The End (Finally)

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When I first started this, I was a scared twelve-ish year old kid.

I'm a sophomore in college now. And in the time since I started this, I've had:
-four boyfriends
-a thousand and one bad days
- two thousand good days
- three house changes
- over twenty-four major exams
- a pet mouse named Fish
- three jobs

I've made friends and lost them. I've broken relationships and fixed them. I even had COVID before anyone knew it was in the states.

Anyway, I cringe when reading my earliest entries, but if there's one thing I want anyone reading this to understand, it's that you're not going to be your best all the time. You're constantly working on yourself. You're going to cringe at some moments in your past, but don't be afraid of that. You went from who you were then to who you are now.

So of there's any advice I have for the kids and other young adults reading this (ESPECIALLY if you're still a kid/teen) it's this:

- Stop trying to grow up so fast. Enjoy being a kid while you can.

- Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. Don't stop doing what you love just because you're worried about you being too old for it.

- Don't judge people for stupid things like wearing a lot of pink, or who they to love. Judge people for how they treat animals, and people who are different than them. And maybe what they do with a shopping cart when they're done with it. Seriously. Don't be that guy who abandons it in the middle of a parking lot

- Most people are not size zeros. Stop wasting time wishing you were skinnier when you're perfectly healthy. Love yourself now, and it'll save you so much pain later.

And that's really it. This blog has been running for what, seven years? Now its officially ended.

Feel free to ask me any advice, and good luck out there.

It's a wild world, make it yours.

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