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Oh boy, the big trip is in two days. I'm crazy hype for this thing, I've waited all year for it. My first time being away from any family for four days. If any of you live in Nashville, Tennessee, I'll be in your town for the next few days. I'm also nervous, but I guess that's normal. Lately I've been getting a crap ton of make-up work from the classes I'll be missing, and I'm worried about getting it all done, but I know I can do it. I've been studying like mad for this big biology test coming up, because my grade is 3 points shy of where I need it to be in that class. His tests are too hard because (and we've actually proved this and he's admitted it) he doesn't cover all of the material. That, and he doesn't really teach. He gives us notes and then goes off on stories and tangents instead of helping us memorize it. I don't want my parents to be disappointed in me, and I'll be disappointed in myself, too. They're really strict about quarterly grades, even though colleges only look at the end of year grade which comes from the average of your two semester final grades. So yeah, I'm stressed as hell, but I know  that I'll be ok. I prayed about it, and to anyone who doesn't know God, or doesn't believe in one yet, it's shockingly peaceful. You pray about something, and He gives you peace. I trust Him. I hope I can do it, because this matters so much. But yeah, I'm doing ok, and everything will be ok. I can't wait and I'm counting down the minutes. I hope all of you have an awesome time today/night, 

Hey, and thank you.

You all rock,


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