Dear Athiests (not offensive)

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Dear Athiests,

Please stop making fun of us, we aren't trying to force anything on you. Why do you keep making hurtful jokes about us and what we believe? Not all of us are homophobic, or are like Westborough Baptist church (who aren't even actual baptists)

. Please please stop. It hurts, and you as a human need so much more in your incredibly short life than to spout hate everywhere about one religion. Don't lie, you probably know that you pick on Christians more than anyone else. Please, please,  stop. 

In truth it's not fair. You can make fun of us and it's acceptable to others, and yet, one Christian says you're wrong or objects to what you're saying and all of a sudden, this happens:

" Oh my God stop it you insensitive jerk! I don't have to believe what you say!"

I'm not saying this is all of you, because that would be a lie. And I want every word of this letter to be true.

Please, just let us worship as we please. We didn't ask for you to be mean to us, don't be hurtful towards us, and we will do the same.

If they don't, show them this letter.

All I  ask is for all of us, both Religious AND Athiests, to show some understanding.

Because we are all human.


A Christian (and a friend to anyone who needs it, regardless of belief)

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