Day 8 and 9

5 1 3

Sup peeps?

I can't use AAVE. I'm sorry. 

Also, apparently some of my story parts won't load right away? That's why there was no post yesterday. I am ever so sorry. 

I'm trying to be a better blogger so I'll be actually indenting and separating different topics into different paragraphs. It's a revolution. With a blog. A blogulution? Revolublogtion? I can't. Just call it a thing. Not much happened in the last two days, actually. But I do have a funny story from my sassy math teacher. He's... not a direct variation you might say. (honk if you get the joke). Anybody want to hear it? Yes? I can't hear anybody shouting no, so I'll take this as a yes. Ok so here I go:

    It was a normal day, you know. Except I get to my math class and I see this giant plastic container on his desk. I also notice that he's moving so fast it's like he's a blur. Considering he's not a normal teacher anyways, I just go to my seat and get some work done. Then he starts teaching, and eventually notices that we're all staring at this big THING on his desk. It was pretty impressive that he noticed this because he looks at me more often than anyone else while he's teaching because I'm his favorite. So he finished teaching and goes to his desk and somebody asks "Hey what's that" and he picked it up and looks at the print. This thing looks like a gallon jug coffee-mate shaped plastic container with liquid inside thats half full. Yeah. So he's reading it and goes "Its a... 5 serving coffee?" Like he didn't know that it was an excessive amount of coffee by the sheer SIZE of the thing. Come on man, you're a math teacher. We all go "That's a LOT of coffee."

"Yeah I know right. And I almost already drank all of it,I'm going to be wired before school's over." 

And the girl behind me goes "Can't you have a seizure because of too much caffeine?" 


"Isn't there a rule that if the teacher doesn't teach for ten minutes the kids can leave the class?"

"So if I'm seizing on the floor you'll all just leave? I mean someone calling 911 and getting help would be nice." 

(I pipe up to correct her before I notice what he said because I'm a walking encyclopedia)

"It's actually the law that if the teacher is absent or doesn't show up to class in 15 minutes the students can leave." 


*Cue every single person in room laughing* 

*30 minutes later* 

Mr.C enters the room for daily inspection. Mr.C is the coolest guy in the school administration ever. He runs our specialty program and is so chill. So he walks around the school a lot, doing the inspections. But he really loves getting out of the office too. We talk to each other in spanish sometimes, he used to be a world languages teacher, which is really cool. He also really cares about students and knows that school can be really really stressful. Whenever I'm outside in PE, because my gym coach lets me go outside and play tennis/badminton/wallball when the weather is good, I hope that Mr.C can come play with us. He's funny too so my squad lets him hang out with us. 

Back to the story:

He walks in, and Mr. Not- a -direct- variation- if- you- know- what- I -mean (NDV) is teaching us how to use our graphing calculators to find the mean median mode for us instead of doing every step ourselves. This one kid's calculator is saying "Dimension error", and Mr. NDV is goes "Dimension Error, what dimension are you in?" Jokingly, of course. I accidentally slip out, "Mr.NDV's  Land of Misery." 

and he hears me and laughs. 

"Mr.NDV's land of misery haha that wouldn't make any sense though because I NEVER DO ANYTHING BAD TO YOU." 

Mr. C is laughing and says "Alright, I'll see you around Kid.: (To me) And then leaves.

"Please don't fail me." 

And he laughs/smiles. 

Yeah. We have a weird (You know a synonym for weird? Hmmm) teacher- student relationship. I'm a really good student and because of that I can make smart comments and he won't fail me. LOL.

Anyways that's all I got because nothing happened today. Well, something did but I'll tell you guys later because I'm tired and Like sleep. 

Night Night,


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