A Common writing mistake that you might be making (#1)

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1. The use of the term "Gonna"
There is no rule that says you can misuse the word, but believe me, YOU CAN. And chances are that you do. Every time you write down "gonna", look at whether or not "going to" would work. Because guess what? Using "gonna" every time gets really annoying, and can affect how people will view your characters. For example, intelligent characters don't say "gonna" every single time they use "going to". A not-so-bright character would, but an intelligent character would not. See the difference?

2. And

Be careful how many times
You use and in a sentence, and try to switch it out with synonyms if you can. Such as also, or including.

3. Repetition

Please please PLEASE watch how many times you use a word in a paragraph. Using things such as "which" and "in" and a great many other words multiple times in a sentence is an amateur mistake. Don't make newbie mistakes!

The tip of the day is: Vary your sentence length. Remember, a sentence without commas or with to MANY commas over and over again becomes very boring.

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