39. When a kid has a panic attack or cries

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This is a PSA for all those shitty people out there, especially parents who SUCK at comforting kids; When a kid is crying, don't tell them to stop the drama. Especially if they're at the age where they don't throw random tantrums for no reason. 

So one of the dogs, Pepper, chewed up my retainer that keeps my teeth from moving, and as I'm typing this I'm crying because I CANNOT ALLOW MY TEETH TO MOVE. I was bullied my whole life until 8th grade, mostly because I was your stereotypical unattractive nerd. A huge part of that was because I had a giant gap, and I mean GIANT, gap in between my two front teeth. I was bullied relentlessly until I got my braces off and I became prettier than my bullies. I'm crying because if my teeth move, I'm scared it'll start all over again. THey'll bully me because my smile will resemble a squirrel. And I just got out of the shower chilling in my mom's room and i'm still breathing hard because I'm reaaaalllllyyyy upset and she goes "You need to stop with the drama". First of all, no. This woman had no idea I was being bullied for YEARS, and she has no idea what that's like. I'm not doing this to be dramatic, I'm not that kind of person. I'm crying because I'M TERRIFIED OF BEING BULLIED AGAIN. I shot back with a "Thanks. I'm just just trying to breathe." and she went silent. She said she'll call tomorrow but it may take weeks for them to make a new one and my teeth will move and it'll start all over again and I'm freaking the FUCK OUT. 

When someone is crying, do the humane thing and just listen to them and try to be there for them. Don't be a mythic bitch (Heathers reference) to someone who's struggling with emotions. Just shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down, and listen. It's called being a decent human being. Apparently someone I know needs to try that. 

Still crying,


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