38. Holy sheblam I haven't updated in a while

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Okay so first things first, I had no idea this thing got so many reads and comments, I'm SUPER sorry. 

Secondly, I would like to issue an apology my dudes, I was a very angsty tween when I wrote some of this earlier stuff, it's about three years later so I've had quite a lot of growth. For some reason when  I wrote those things I felt like I had to have an answer for EVERYTHING. I realize now that that is wrong and I sincerely apologize. 


I can update y'all on some shiz;

1. I am no longer dating the guy I think I mentioned awhile ago named Jacob? I'm starting my junior year of high school now. I dated him all freshman year and the beginning of sophomore year. 

2. I realized I'm asexual af. 

3. I did something I've always wanted to do, join a dance team. I started freshman year, and I was pretty terrible, but my coach saw my drive and I worked my aaaaassssss off and I've improved so much she wants me to be a captain my senior year

4. I now have four dogs. F O U RRRRRRR. I had only three earlier this year, Pearl my lovely now 8-month old pitbull. Let me tell you a thing; MY PIT BULL IS THE LEAST DANGEROUS DOG I OWN. The oldest dog is Peanut, our obese chihuahua-terrier mix. AKA Penutay, Nana, Nut-Nut, potato, and loaf. She's fought a car twice and death HATES that bitch. Like she's cheated death so many times I'm reasonably sure that when death whips into a room and sees her, he turns his ass around like "Oh hell naw not today". She's bat-shiz insane, and hates everyone and everything except sleep, food, and my little sister who for some reason Peanut has adopted as her puppy. The second dog is Pepper, (AKA Peprika, Pepsi can, and burnt cashew)  she's probably the smartest one in the bunch. She is also a Pug-Chihuaha mix, and she hunts all the time. Like, ALL THE TIME. She's freakily good at it. True story; one day she showed up at the front door with an entire claw off f a predatory bird. It had all the talos and was the size of a small orange. We have NO IDEA how this TINY DOG got a MASSIVE MOTHERHUGGING CLAW. But she's a beast and I am very proud of my little killa. Third is Pearl, the largest by far and also the sweetest. She got her name because she was born December 8th, the day after the Pearl Harbor attacks. She's a red nose American Pitbull terrier and the biggest love bomb EVER. She has a big head with gorgeous teeth and amazing eyes, and she acts like a human toddler. She's super curious about everything, and completely my dog. She follows me around, listens to me in particular, and spends most of her time at home playing with/ being with me. Let me make this clear; she is not dangerous. If anything, she's a little bit of a klutz. She thinks she's tiny, so she tries to sit in my families laps. She's waaaay too big so they push her off, but I let her sit in my lap and I carry her all the time. She's also scared of loud noises, and thunderstorms. And my rabbit. Basically, who ever said pit bulls could be put down is a massive dumbass. They used to be called nanny dogs, you know. Because they're fantastic with kids, extremely loyal, and used to be in charge of looking after the children of royal families. They were not originally bred to fight, and just like with human children, it depends on how you raise them. The reason I have 4 dogs is because my Abuela (grandmother in spanish) is in a rehab center and her scumbag of a husband neglects her small Puerto Rican chihuahua mix, Lupita. We asked her if she'd like us to take Lupita back with us to Virginia where she'd have lots more room to play and be with other dogs, and she said yes. She loves it here way more than New York City. I call Lupita little mouse, because she's all black and looks like a mouse bc of her ears. Also, she's super witty! She 's very clever and knows exactly where to stick her little head to get what she wants. 

I texted Andrew (my amazing boyfriend who I'm blessed to have) when we were returning, and I said "OMG HOW ARE WE GOING TO MANAGE FOUR DOGS?!" and being the precious thing he is, responds with "GIVE THEM ALL THE FOOD! :D". I tried again, and he goes "LOVE THEM ALL!!!" and I love him to death but that really didn't help. Sometimes I wonder if he's really human or just a lot of happy butterflies and hedgehogs who assumed human form. I'll probably have a segment about him, you all would love him. 

5. I'm beginning driving. I used to have awful driving anxiety, but I drive with my mom (I have my permit, can't get a license till December) everyday, and it's getting better by the Grace of God. I'm slowly feeling less and less nervous, and I'll get to where I need to eye someday. 

Anyways I was SHOCKED by the feedback I'm getting for this??? Like where did all of it come from??? Hahaha I love you guys a lot, thanks so much for sticking with me through this craaaaazaaaaay life o'mine.  I promise to update more frequently, especially bc now I have a job in a clothing store. Retail... yeaaaayyyy. I have some STORIES to tell, hooo boy. 

Anyways, you guys are the best, thank you for your time! 


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