Chin stands... Day 14

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Today in gym, I wanted to see if my back flexibility has improved, so this girl wants to show me how to do a chin stand. Plus side: My flexibility has improved. Downside: I almost died. So she pushed like really hard,  my feet came up by my head so I did it, but then she ROLLS ME OVER. Like PUSHED ME AND I ROLL. I tried to say stop but there was so much tension in my neck that I couldn't. I was scared, I knew that I could break my neck. But hey, FLEXIBILITY. It hurt so freaking bad when she rolled me over. My boobs went SMOOSH. And that roll was single handedly the most painful and scary experience of my life. Today's advice: Never do a chin stand with someone who's going to almost actually kill you. Besides that, nothing else today. 

See you later alligator,


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