Nashville Trip Results

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      My trip to Nashville was AMAZING. For one thing, I've always loved country music. I  know that not everyone does, and that's ok. It's an acquired taste, also, it depends largely on your upbringing. It was so great. Walking down the streets of the city with a small group and hearing all of the music from the honky-tonk bars was incredible. For those of you that don't know or aren't familiar with southern slang, a honky-tonk is like a party with blaring country music (live music), and beer. In the words of an urban style, they're "lit af".  I'm a musician so I felt, for once, completely at home. Nobody was expecting anything of me, and I could do whatever I wanted to, and the only thing I had to do was something that I love and am very good at. I realized that that's what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Travel, driving or flying wherever the wind took me. In a way, I wish that the trip would never end. It was the most serenity I've ever felt. Vanderbilt and Belmont were the universities we visited. Absolutely gorgeous. And the clinic we went to, the choir director, Dr.Biddlecomb, worked a miracle. He took the boy's singing quality from maybe a rough 6 or 7, to a 9.  They sounded INFINITELY better. I also learned how to line dance, and it was great. So many awesome things happened. One day I'll be able to travel by myself, without angsty teens. But overall, it was a great trip. I met some really cool people, a dancing and chill waiter named Dill. A rocking piano man named Perry who let BDHS turn the General Jackson Showboat into a Rave Party boat. It was incredible. 

Thank you Nashville, for giving a musician the only sense of home she's ever been at peace in. And thank you Tennessee,


(P.S y'alls barbecue was AMAAAZZIIIING good God) 

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