Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One(Hogwarts again)
Third Person's POV

Only the plots.


Draco kicked aside the small wood and slumped down in the wet ground.

Fucking hell

Frustration filled him as a sudden urge to break something came to him and he clenched his fists.

The look in her face when he said it...she looked shocked and blank and loss at words.
She didn't reciprocate his feelings.
She .....fuck.

It was his fault to have blurted it out.
But he didn't know he'd say it out aloud.

She had stiffened and stared at him with wide eyes.
He had sat there frozen not knowing what to do.
She had gaped at him and finally uttered four words before standing up and leaving the room,

"I need some time"

He punched the bark of the tree nearest to him. And punched it again and again and again.

He didn't know what he would do if she left him.
They were becoming friends and now he ruined what they had.

It hurt.

It hurt to think that she'd not talk to him. That she'd not offer those smiles to him.
Salazar, he would go crazy without her.


Hermione sighed for what seemed like umpteenth time and looked out at the darkened sky.
The rain had stopped leaving her with no ways to distract herself from what happened earlier.

She sighed.

Maybe she had to think this over.
I love you.

Those words felt so, so.....great and that confused her.
He loved her. He Draco Malfoy loved her.

She didnt know what to do.
Did she like him?
Yes she definitely did like him.
Did she care about him?
She did.
Did she love him?
And now this,  she didn't know.

Her mind went to their last year at Hogwarts. Excluding their small arguments and ocasional bickering, he had been pleasant.

Hell they stayed in the same dorm for hours studying in comfortable silence.

She remembered when she got out of the hospital wing after the shrieking shack event, she knew she'd had to thank him.

One fateful night she'd finally mustered up the courage and stopped him for a talk.

Raising an eyebrow he had stood with a questioning look but he looked like he knew what she's say.

She had thanked him for earlier day and he'd shrugged it off saying it was nothing.
She contemplated whether to ask him about his "incident " with Josh but she held back.

She didn't forget to apologise to Josh later though. She'd feel guilty her whole life if she hadn't.

Things had been normal after that. They planned the graduation ball together and also had opened the ball with a dance.
She had to say she didn't feel uncomfortable dancing with him.
He was graceful with his movements and she enjoyed the night.

She also remembered that evening in the Astronomy tower.
She had climbed the tallest tower hoping for a escape from all the chaos in the Gryffindor common room and she was more than surprised to find a certain blonde already there.

She had contemplated whether to stay or not when he spoke without turning,
"You can stay if you want. I will leave"

She frowned before answering,
"You don't need to leave "

A small click of door brought her back to reality and she assumed Draco was back in his room.

And just there, she remembered.
Oh Godric was it what she was thinking?


Draco took his shirt off and running a hand through his blonde hair, he slumped himself in the bed.
He knew he wouldn't sleep.

So he just laid there staring up at the ceiling blankly.
He was startled out when he heard a knock at his door.

Furrowing his brows, he stood up and opened the door only to find Hermione.

He let himself smirk smugly when her eyed traveled down to his bare chest.
She met his eyes and blushed furiously when she found he'd caught her checking him out.

"Umm, I, uh... I-I need to talk"

A small ray of hope formed in  his chest.
Could she probably wanted to talk about earlier?
The hope disappeared at her next words.

"I think I know where the jade is"

He nodded and let her inside. She walked in nervously fiddling with her fingers and awkwardly sat on the edge of the bed.
He inwardly smiled at how adorable she was acting.

"So what was it you know about the jade?" Draco asked sitting on the other side and she looked up.

Her eyes again wandered to his naked upper body before travelling back to his smirking face and she looked away blushing.

"Uhm, can you uh, maybe put a shirt on?" She asked and Draco  smirked.

Now was probably not the time, but he enjoyed making her all bothered.

"Why? Are you distracted? "

She widened her eyes.
"W-what?of course I'm N-not. I just...uh, it's cold, you might catch a cold "

He smiled smugly at her lame excuse but decided not to make her more nervous....not now at least.
He walked to his closet and threw on a sweatshirt and signalled her to speak.

"Do you remember last year, the day when we uh, went to the Astronomy tower? "

He furrowed his brows and remembered the evening. He had walked up to the Tower recalling what he had done .
His blood had run cold when he looked at the very place Dumbledore had been standing.

He didn't get to wallow in his self-pity and guilt too long because not long after Hermione had appeared and they had spent an hour standing together chatting random things.
Having a neutral conversation.

"Mmhm, yeah I do. What about it?" He asked.

"Well when we were leaving for our patrol in the Seventh floor you do remember the odd movements we felt right? "

He nodded positively.  He did.
As they were about to split towards their duties both of them had heard Shuffle of robes.
After searching every corner and dark corridors they found nothing and shrugged it off.

"Well, what if the jade is inside the room Of requirements? I mean I know it's a very narrow guess but this is all we have right now " She ranted.

He frowned.
There was no harm trying.


Author's Note - Hey! Here's another update. Woah three chapters at once.

I may take this down from wattpad soon, I'm not sure.
I'll try to update as soon as possible.

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