Chapter fifteen

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Hermione's Dress above😍
Thank you JamesVanSickle for your ideas.

Chapter fifteen(Wedding)


Draco Malfoy twirled his newly wedded bride on the dance floor gracefully.
Other people were watching the couple in awe..
But the couple weren't meeting eyes,both of them lost in their own musings, though ocasional glances were a different thing.
They weren't feeling uncomfortable. Their dancing together oddly felt.......right.

Hermione was feeling anxious. She still couldn't believe she had just gotten married.
Her thoughts wandered to when Harry walked her down the aisle, she had nearly burst into tears.

How the two words she said had changed her life.
She was feeling uncomfortable when the kiss was mentioned, but Draco acting like a total gentleman, had placed a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. She actually was relieved.

Her eyes absently wandered to the wedding ring on her left finger, which was currently resting on Draco's Shoulder.
It was the same ring, she had chosen after spending hours roaming among the high shelves of the store. Her dress was beautiful. She loved wearing it. She felt like a normal bride in it, not a war herione or one-third of The Golden Trio, just a  normal girl.

Draco couldn't help but sneak glances at his newly wedded wife. When he realized he was staring for too long, he hastily looked away. It wasn't his fault, that she looked so beautiful today.

She didn't seem to notice it though, even if she did, she didn't acknowledge it. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts.
It still felt weird, that now he was married. Him, a former death eater, married to a war herione. To the girl whom he had spent years bullying and calling names. Her, who was tortutered in his own living room by his maniac aunt and he had just stood cowardly, watching her scream. He flinched at the memory, slightly.
He felt like he didnt desreve her. She didn't deserve to be stuck in a loveless marriage.
On their last meeting before the wedding, Draco had told her this and she had smacked his head, yes, literally smacked his head, and had told him to stop wallowing in self pity. His head actually hurt for ten minutes after that.

Both of them were standing outside the church, after the wedding.
Jean Granger enveloped her daughter into a hug with tears in her eyes. She didn't want her daughter to be stuck in a loveless marriage, but the betrothal couldn't be cancelled.
Besides, she had noticed the recent changes in her daughter. She had seen her geniunely smile after so long. And her smile appeared when she was readig a letter, and muttered "egoistical ferret" under her breath, and Jean strongly suspected thay the ferret was her future son-in-law.
She had also noticed the way Draco looked at Hermione. Oh god, she could almost see love  in his eyes.
So she knew that this boy would treat her daughter well.

After bidding their goodbyes, Draco and Hermione got inside the limo.

Draco sincerely hoped that she would like his decision. After everything that happened to her in the  Malfoy Manor, he knew she would be uncomfortable living there.
So, he had bought another Manor, thanks to his inherited wealth, so they could stay there.
He feared that his mother would want her son and daughter-in-law to stay in their ancestral home. But he was proven wrong when Narcissa had waved him off and said she fully supported his decision . So now, it was Hermione's choice.

Hermione was surprised when the car stopped ouside a beautiful white manor, instead of the Malfoy Manor.
She was dreading her reaction on seeing the manor where she was tortured, which still gave her nightmares.
But this wasnt the huge and ancient looking Malfoy Manor, it was a beautiful white manor which reminded her of the palaces of muggle fairy tales.
Her surprised gaze shifted to the blonde who was spotting a nervous expression.
Did the mean that he-

"I thought you wouldn't want to stay at Malfoy Manor after...stuffs that happened there."
He said and at that moment, she felt like kissing him.

Instead she smiled brightly at him.

"Thank you so much."

He reciprocated the smile after a relieved sigh,

"Pleasure's all mine."


The room had dim lighting and was furnished expensively.
The door opened with a slam as a brunnette walked in, her hair wild and her eyes mad.

She began to throw spells all over the room. The mattress was ripped into shreds, the mirror was broken into million pieces and the chandelier that hung high and proud smashed into the floor.
Within minutes, the beautiful room turned into a mess.
The girl stood there, panting heavily, her deep blue orbs restless.

An aged man entered the room, the expensive robes he was wearing was flawless and he held an air of superiority.

"Stop this right now", He said to the witch.
She only snarled at him and threw another spell which lifted the huge bed up in the air and then into the ground with a loud noise.



"Annabel, calm down."

"I wont calm down. Only if you had not locked me in I would have-"

"You would've been captured and sent to Azkaban. There were Aurors there. Minister was there, Annabel. We couldn't risk it. You need to wait. Have patience." The man calmly said.

"She got married today. She is there celebrating and living her life and not once did my own mother remember me. I will show them I am not useless.I can't wait. I don't want to wait. I want to kill her, no, torture her and then kill her, kill both of them, like I killed her mudblood father." She spat. There was malice, and hatred in her voice. It was frightening that someone so young as her, was capable of such hatred and evilness.

"You will get your revenge, Annabel. I promise I will let you finish them. We need yo take patience for now.

The young witch cackled. The mad glint in her eyes was frightening. She laughed and it was terrifying. It almost matched Bellatrix Lestrange, almost.


Author's Note- Hey👋 I am finally here.

Im sorry for not-so-detailed wedding 'cause I am from Nepal and I have no idea about western wedding . So deal with it, please?

Do tell me if you have any questions. Will be happy to hear from ya'll😊

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