Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four

Only the plots.


"You...W-what? "

"I love you too"

There she had said it. Two weeks of waiting and contemplating how to say it to him and she said it to him just like that.

A slow but sure smile grazed his face and Hermione could swear it was the most beautiful thing she ever saw.

It rained outside as He stepped forward and kissed her , so passionately that her knees buckled.
Reciprocating the gesture, she gripped his hair for support, submerging herself to the feeling.
This feeling. A wonderful feeling of satisfaction and ecstasy.

As they pulled back, Draco looked at her with the most tender look in his eyes. The way he looked at her, Merlin it made her mind go in a haze and she found herself getting lost in those eyes.

"I can't describe how I'm feeling." He whispered.
"Hearing these words from you, the feeling, nothing else is worth it Granger"

She smiled.
"Dont you think you're being cheesy? "

He smirked.
"Oh I'm never cheesy. I'm just happy. I might as well go and hug Weasley"

She let out a laugh.


"Bloody Hell,  can't you all just consider that I'm in the same room?"an agitated Ron said in a disgusted voice and Hermione blushed.

She knew he must feel awkward. Being in a room with couples being all touchy.
Well, Of course,  she wasn't,  PDA was something she couldn't show without turning into an apple every other second.
But that couldn't be said about Ginny or Pansy.

"Oh come on Ron, find yourself a girl" Ginny rolled her eyes, holding Blaise's hands.

"Yeah, maybe get the guts to ask the one you stalk" Pansy smirked.

"I donot stalk anyone" Ron defensed looking slightly red.

"Are you sure? I mean,a certain miss  Greengrass, wanted to talk to you. But it for you don't like anyo-"

"She wanted to?"

Pansy smirked.
Cuddling further into Harry she shrugged.
"I might help you out with her if you say please"

Ron groaned.

Hermione smiled to herself.
"You look beautiful " a voice whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver slightly.

"Thats the fifth time you said that today" Hermione replied turning to him.

"This ain't gonna be the last time"

She let a smile, something she frequently did nowadays.


The weather outside was sunny and bright and Hermione entered the manor after a long day at the Wizengamot.
It was Annabel's hearing today and no matter what, she still didn't think Annabel deserved the Dementor's kiss.

She sighed.
She was grateful the jade was now in safe custody of the ministry and there was no threat to the wizarding world, that maybe life would be normal, but she was so sorry for her twin.

If only things had been different,  if only she had grown up together with her twin.
Things were never how she wanted but at least she was in peace right now.

She had someone to love, someone who would be there for her to cherish and that was all she could ask for .
She never thought she'd end up like this, end up so in love with someone she least expected.
But that's the thing about life. It is full of surprises and sometimes it ends up different to what you expected but its better that way.

She didn't know if this was her happy ending but to she was content and happy and that's all she wanted at the moment.


Author's Note - And we come to the end.
The journey has been one hell of a ride,  but I had fun. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
This is where it ends.
Thank you for the support, thank you to the voters and the silent readers, it still means an awful lot.

Untill next time

Take care.

-Namrata Sapkota ❤

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