Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty (Rain)
Third Person's POV

Only the plot.


"Do you know where the jade is kept?" Hermione asked, her voice panicked.
This was bad. Annabel needed to be stopped.

He shook his head negatively.
"I did before.  But I dont know where William hid it before his death."

Draco furrowed his brows.
"Does Annabel know where it is?"

"I think not. But if she does, if she gets her hands in it there's nothing we can do. She had Selwyns blood, it will obey it's master untill they die. Now that William had gone, the jade is vulnerable, whoever gets it, will be it's master. We need to act fast."

Hermione sighed. Annabel was her twin sister, but she was filled with evil. It certainly was unfair whatever happened to her,  what William did to her but the crimes she did were unforgivable. 


Somewhere in the dense woods, Annabel sat, her head hung low, her hair messed and skin cut in places.

Every few minutes, her fury would take over and she would fire Spells after spell as at the woods and then eventually calm down, before the cycle started again.

Her body was limp and exhausted,  her breathing unrythmed.  She lifted her head up and stared far.
Her eyes were sunken and covered in purple bags but the madness inside them was glinting most brightly among the horrendous darkness.

She would get it. It was only matter of time and she'd have the stone with her, she couldn't care how many times it could be used, she'd make its use fully in HER favor.

She'd finish those who deceived her, left her, thought she was unworthy.
She didn't care about the aftermath.
She didn't care about Azkaban or death, she only wanted revenge.

And she would get what she wanted.
No matter what.


That evening the rain poured down, and Hermione smiled.
She loved rains.
She felt soothed and relaxed as she listened to the pitter patter of rain outside.
It had been sometime, since their run for hunting Horcruxes,  and so she hadn't had the time to sit back and listen to the rain with her N.E.W.T.S and this whole betrothal.
Talking about betrothal her mind  went  to her betrothed.
If anyone had told her one year ago that she'd be living under the same room with Draco without murdering each other, she'd have stared at them nuts.

She let out a small smile.
Life really was unpredictable.

"Whats got you smiling?" She heard him say and position himself near her. She shifted a little to make space for him in the couch.

"I just love rain"

"Oh? I didn't know that" He said looking at her.
she shrugged.
"Guess, I never had the chance to speak about rain"

He hummed.
"Speak then. I'm all ears"

She let herself smile a little.
"I loved to stand outside when it rained since my childhood. I would get a cold later on and some scolding from dad and mum but I used to sneak out anyways whenever it rained."

He looked at her and felt she was a little more beautiful than earlier.
Her eyes were his favourite. They were just so warm and he felt himself basking in them everytime he looked at them.
Today they were a li'll more lovely when she spoke.
He could feel how much she indeed loved rain.

Small laugh from her caught his attention and he smiled a little.
Her laugh had to be second in the list of his favourites.

"Its funny how we used to be at each others throat and now we are under the same roof in the same couch talking about rain."

Draco contributed by letting his own laugh.

She let a soft sigh and he went back to stare at her.
she was just so pure so beautiful and he was glad she was now his. He wouldn't let go, never.

I love you.

She stiffened and he froze.



Author's Note - Sorry for the semi cliffy but I felt this needed to end here.  Next update coming right up.

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