Chapter eleven

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Jk Rowling owns...

Chapter eleven
Hermione's POV

I wandered around the shelves in Flourish and Blotts, smiling whenever I caught sight of a good book.
Books always help me relax.

I chose a romance novel and sat down at a corner. I never really read romance, but there is a first time for everything.

As I was halfway through the book, I felt a presence, I felt like I was, I was being watched. I glanced around the shop but found nothing suspicious. Still, I tightened my hold around my wand and continued with my novel.

"Erm, Excuse me miss!" I heard someone say and I looked up from my book. A woman with brown short hair was standing there with mixed kindda expression on her face.

You know that expression that contains many feelings at once
Yeah, that one. Her face displayed curiosity, panic, was that hatred too?

"Excuse me !!!!"

I snapped out of my trance and gave her an apologetic smile,

"Oh I'm sorry I zoned out. What were you saying?"
I said politely.

"I said if you could help me with something. Actually my daughter wants some help."

I narrowed my eyes. Well, wasnt that a little suspicious?

"What kind of help exactly?" I asked .

"E-er-, she n-needs some help with s-some    assignment of her or something. I - "

Suddenly she paled. The color on her face drained as she turned back and ran.

As I was about to call her, I was engulfed into an embrace.

I stood there with my hands awkwardly hanging on the sides.

"Thank Salazar you are okay."

I froze. That voice sounded familiar.




Why on earth is Draco Malfoy hugging me?

"Never go missing again."
He spoke again.

I could feel his lips moving in my hair. He had his arms wrapped tight  around me securely, as if I would dissapear the moment he let go of me.

Heat crept up to my face due to sudden realization of our close proximity. His embrace felt warm, safe, almost- right.

Oh Godric what was I thinking?

Suddenly I felt him stiffen. As if realization hit him, he let go of me.

We were standing there awkwardly, and none of us dared to look at each other.

"I could die out of the awkwardness here."

I turned to see Ginny, Harry, Ron and Blaise standing there, some smirking at us, some dumbfounded.

"Where were you 'mione?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah, we were all worried." Harry added.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What are you all talking about? I told you I'd be back in an hour before leaving."
I said.

"You did?" Harry, Ron and Ginny were standing there as if, trying to remember when I told them.

"Of course, you were busy arguing over movies."
I folded my hands as they made sheepish expressions.

"Oh, is that so? So sorry guys..." Harry said to the Slytherins.

Wait, why would he say sorry to them?

"Whats going on? Why do you all look worried?" I asked.

"Malfoy's got a threat, a letter. Hermione....someone is trying to.."

"Trying to what Harry?"
I quietly said.

"Trying to kill you."

Kill me? But why? Oh Godric, will my life ever be normal? After the war all I hoped was a normal life and now...

"Here is the letter." Malfoy said handing me a parchment. As I read it I got more and more confused.

"Blood prejudice still exists." I sighed.
"People saw what happened due to it they saw how horrible war is and still.."

"Some people never change 'mione."

"We should get back probably. Its not safe out here." Blaise said.

"Thank you guys" I said to the Slytherins purposefully avoiding Malfoy's eyes.

"Its our pleasure Hermione."Blaise said.
I offered him a weak smile.


The rain poured down heavily. Constant roar of thunders were not letting me sleep and I tossed in my bed for what seemed like hundredth time.

But thunder was not the only thing disturbing my sleep.

Never go missing again.

His voice kept echoing over my mind.

Thank Salazar, you are okay.

I groaned. What the shag is happening to me?
Why does his voice affected me so much?
Why did his embrace feel safe and right?
Why was there so much fear and concern in his eyes?

I sat up and hugged my knees.
For the umpteenth time, I sighed.

Oh Merlin!


Author's Note- Hey everyone! 👋
How are ya'll doing.

I am VERY sorry for yhe delay.😟 I got stuck in something and didnt have the time to update.

I am VERY VERY sorry that this chapter was kindda boring.😯
I promise some interesting stuff is coming up in the next chapter 😊

I would live to hear from you. So please please comment and Vote.

Untill Next Update






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