Chapter Thirty Three

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Chapter Thirty Three(And it ends)
Third Person's POV

Only the plots.
Dedicated to emo_bish for being such a sweetheart. Your votes mean a lot.


The corridor was deserted  ,just as McGonagall promised. The group walked silently , among themselves, everyone in their own musings.
As they stopped in front of the plain wall , Hermione sighed.

We need to find the jade.
She thought .
We need to stop Annabel.
She slowly opened her eyes.

The wall was plain and black with no door.
They all exchanged looks.

"I'll try it again" She said.
Calm down , and focus Hermione, she told herself.

We need to stop Annabel.
We need to find the jade.

She opened her eyes to see no results again.
Worry gripped her.
What if the jade wasn't here at all?
What if it was someone else that night?

Her hands suddenly felt warmer, Draco held her hand, wrapping his around hers. He looked at her and suddenly she found herself trying again.

We need to stop her.
We need to find the jade.

The sigh Harry left told her it worked.
This time the familiar polished door had appeared there, she'd done it.

She looked at Draco and smiled the slightest. It was odd how that smile could make her believe she could do anything.

With a nod they entered the room Of requirement, it wasn't like they predicted.
Last time they came here it was filled with hidden objects from centuries, but because of the fire last time, it wasn't much filled. Of course, there already were some objects but not like before.

Hopefully the jade wouldn't be so hard to find.

Draco insides horribly clenched as he remembered the last time he was here. The face of Crabbe came over in his head and he felt like throwing up.

"We need to start searching" Hermione said.

"Can't we just summon it?" Blaise questioned.
"We can try but I dont think it'll be fruitful" Harry replied.

"Accio Jade!!"

As predicted, nothing happened.
"Well then, let's separate and search"


It felt like half an hour later since they started,
they were getting exasperated of searching with no progress when they suddenly heard something.
A loud clinking noise.

"What was that?" Harry sharply said.

"Did someone broke something?"

They all shook heads in denial.

"I think someone else is in the room"

"But who can just enter-"

"Annabel " Hermione exclaimed.

"But how can she?"

Draco looked around.
"Just stay cautious" He said and the lots nodded.

"Let's continue the search"

Hermione walked to the dusty cupboard, this was the fourth place she'd been searching.
Sighing, she used her wand to remove the dust and cobwebs from it.
The door seemed like it was jammed, after some tries it finally flew open with an irritating creaking sound.

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