Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter sixteen(After the wedding)
Third person's POV

I dont own Harry potter, JKR does.

Hermione walked out of the shower, with a white towel wrapped around her body. She was really exhausted yesterday and it was no surprise that she woke up late. She walked to the walk-in closet as her eyes searched for an appropriate wear.

It was a moderately cold day so she chose white wollen sweater with a tank top and black sweats.
She flicked her wand to quickly dry her wild hair and set it in a ponytail.
Wondering if Draco was awake or not she walked down the staircase.
Her eyes widened slightly when she saw him in the kitchen with his back turned. It seemed that he was- cooking?

She fake-coughed and he turned around

"You're up! Morning!" He said.

"Yeah, Morning, You cook?"

"I am not a great cook. House elves will be arriving today from Malfoy Manor, so you dont need to cook tommorrow onwards." He shrugged.

House Elves? As in plural? Are they free? Or -

"They were freed before the battle, if thats what you are thinking." He smirked. "They are staying on their own will."

She sheepishly smiled.

"Yeah? Uhm, what are you making?" She said walking over to him.


"How on earth did you reach there so fast?" Draco asked with wide eyes as he glanced over Hermione.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione quizzically asked.

"You were on page 23 like ten minutes ago and now you already reached 30." Draco replied and she giggled.

The pair of them were in the library of their new manor where Hermione decided to have a study session, for their Healer exams.

"For Godric's sake Draco. Focus on what you are reading. You'll get there fast."

Draco smirked.
To be very honest, he wasn't really focusing in his books. Like a freaking love-sick puppy he was stealing glances at her.

"What are you smirking at?" Hermione asked narrowing her eyes.

"Nothing." He shrugged, his smirk still intact.

With another suspicious glance towards him she went back to her book.

Draco let out a noise of irritation.
He glanced at Hermione, who of course, was immersed in her book with no notice of surroundings.



"I'm bored. Let's halt this study session for a while"

"Oh come on Draco. It's been merely one hour since we started the study." She said still not looking up from the book.

Draco scoffed.

"Its been four hours 15 minutes and 45 seconds." He bluntly said.


"48 seconds."

"Oh just let me finish this page."

"55 seconds."

"Fine." She closed her book and Draco grinned.

Hermione stood up muttering something along the lines of "annoying slytherin"
and Draco followed her downstairs grinning like a child who just got his favorite ice-cream.

"So what you wanna do?" She asked crossing her arms.

"I don't know, maybe we should have some lunch first." He shrugged.

"Oooh, we can do that. Have you ever had Pizza?"

"What's a Piza? "

"Its pizza, wait I'll order it and you can see it for yourself."

Draco watched in confusion as she took out a small box thingy and started to talk with holding it close to her ears.

After she kept it down, Draco asked

"Erm, why were you talking to yourself Hermione?"

She giggled.

"I wasn't talking to myself. I was placing an order for the pizza. This is called a cellphone. It's an invention by muggles. It's a communication technology. This is way more convenient than owls." She explained .

Draco nodded his head in an unsure way.


"You have no idea about muggle technology do you?"

Draco shook his head and she sighed.

"No worries, I am here to explain all of them to you. For now, have you watched any movie?"


Author's Note- I am very sorry for late update plus short and boring chapter guys. I am being flooded by my school works and I also thought Dramione deserved some time together after the wedding, before the drama starts.😉

I think I should make a routine for my updates. Does twice in a week sound good?

Any suggestions are welcome. Feel free to point out my mistakes.

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