Chapter Seven

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I don't own wizarding world.

[Chapter Nine]

"Hermione, dear, it's seven."

Her mother's soft voice woke Hermione up from the hazy patterns of her sleep. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, huffing when some of her hair fell to her face, annoying her like always. 

Hermione Granger looked at the window where her mother was opening up her curtains letting in the morning sun rays into her room, no matter how old she was, her mother always did that. Every morning her mother would come into her room, opening up the curtains and waking her up. It was sort of a habit,one that she cherished. Especially after the war, the war might have ended but the paranoia and dread it leaves in everyone is permanent, incurable. So she had learnt to live  the smallest moments of her life, not trusting the normal life for long. 

"Good Morning mum", she greeted her mother who smiled and greeted her back.

"Morning Hermione, slept well? I heard you come home very late yesterday. ", Jean said walking forward and sitting near her in the bed.

"I slept well mum, and Harry and Ron insisted on another movie and I couldn't say no.", she said smiling.

The day before, she had received her N.E.W.T.S results, after pacing around and anticipating the results, she had scored the highest, only bringing an E in Potions. The day had been spent celebrating, visiting Leaky Cauldron, Hogsmead and finally an evening at Grimmauld Place. It had been fun, a carefree day out with her closest friends, Hermione cherished their times together.

Jean Granger smiled slightly at her, she couldn't help but notice something was off in her mother's smile. It was almost guilty, like she was ashamed of something. 

Hermione hoped she was only being paranoid.

"Get showered, yes? I have the breakfast ready."

As she watched her mother walk out of the room, her eyes travelled to the photograph on her wall.

It was taken when she was probably seven, she was sitting in her father's lap, a wide grin enlightening her face as her father held her and they posed for the camera. 

Her father looked handsome as always, with his unruly brown hair and smile lines on his face, eyes twinkling with delight at the camera .

Moisture formed in her eyes, her heart aching as her mind registered that she would not see her fathers grinning face ever again. He would never make excuses for her when her mother caught her eating ice cream in the middle of the night. He would no longer warn her against the  guys of her class, and would no longer play the Piano for her.

A tear rolled down her face and she wiped it, she wouldn't cry, there was no point.

Her father was gone, done with this world and she knew he wouldn't want his "fierce little princess" to cry.

After thirty minutes, Hermione walked to the kitchen to be welcomed by the delicious smell of pancakes.

Her stomach grumbled at the sight of marvellous fluffy goodness on the table and she sat down, immediately serving herself some.

" Hungry, aren't you?", her mother's amused voice called and she smiled at her.

"Im famished"

The morning passed with no event, she and her mother dined together, chatting and catching up, she then helped her mother with the dishes and then retired to her room, to write a letter to Ginny, accpeting her invitation to visit the Leaky Cauldron. 

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