Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter dedicated to Slytherclaw_queen21
Your votes Cheer me up a lot❤

I own only my plots.

Chapter Twenty Six(The deal)
Third Person's POV


Annabel was seated in the high cold rock near the ocean. How she'd reached there, she didn't know.
But she really could not be back at the Selwyns manor, she knew she'd snap if she did.
Whatever was happening with her, was so unfair.
Why her?


"Annabel where have you been?" William Selwyn exclaimed as soon as the brunnete walked inside the room.

He watched as she clenched her fists before replying in a vague word,

William frowned on why she was behaving so odd? Usually she would stay in the room longer,  talking to him.
The lies he fed her had merited him greatly, he had made her hate her own family and installed the sense of revenge in her.
He had worked carefully all these years to achieve the full Prophecy and finally an heir.
After his only child being a squib, he couldn't face the shame of it and so he disowned her.
After years, he discovered the Prophecy while desperately digging for information that'd help him get a magical heir to the Selwyn line.
He had to use a mudblood to get an heir but he'd sacrifice that, if his family line remained intact.
He'd made one of his cousins son agree for giving him an heir and now all he needed was for Annabel to kill one of her family.
He had been stupid enough to let her deal with her father,  the mudblood didn't raise a wand to kill him and murdered him the muggle way.
He wouldn't let her commit that mistake again, He would make sure she'd kill with her wand.

"So it's final then, I will talk to Kingsley about this and see if we can try and arrest William Selwyn. But I dont think, well be granted Hermione, with no proof about the Prophecy. .."

"Harry, please let's just give it a try. I can give my memories if required.  Please talk to Kingsley about this."
Hermione said to her best friend who nodded.

"Okay then . Me and Ron are departing now, we'll contact you if we are granted."

Hermione nodded as her two best friends apparated out.

Sighing, she got up from the study and walked to the kitchen,  for a cup of coffee.
She could really do with a coffee made by Draco right now, speaking of Draco, where was he?

He left in the morning, for finding out some information about the Selwyns blood line with her mother, to see with whom was her "grandfather " trying to get Annabel pregnant.
She cringed at that, William Selwyn was actually forcing her twin sister into incest.

She needed to stop him.
No matter what.
It was Seven in the evening and Hermione's worry grew with the passing time.
Draco was still not back.
Was he okay?

Not able to sit any longer, Hermione wrapped herself in a warm muffler and apparated outside her home.
She hurriedly knocked at the door, rubbing her hands together due to the cold.
Her mother's kind face smiled at her when she saw her and she weakly smiled back at her.

"What happened Hermione? Are you allright?" The older woman asked ushering her daughter inside the warm house.

"I'm good mum. Is Draco still here? " She asked the question that was bothering her .

Jean frowned.
"Draco left in the afternoon Honey! Isn't he back yet?"

Hermione's worry grew at her mum's words.
Oh Godric, please let him be safe.


A silhouette of a person slowly walked through the hallway trying to be as quiet as she could. Unlocking the brass door with a click, Annabel walked inside the room Of William Selwyn,  her eyes in an eerie madness. She needed answers. She needed a proper explanation if there was any.

She quietly made her way to where the man slept, and she looked at him with an emotion, she never did before, hatred.

As she raised her wand in order to get her motives performed,  his eyes fluttered open and she froze at her place.

William frowned for a while before saying her name in confusion.

And as he saw her wand pointed to him, he grabbed his wand from his bed  before pointing his wand at her.
"Annabel!" He said firmly.

She unfroze when he did that and brought out of her trance, she lowered her wand, almost grudgingly.
William raised one eyebrow but didn't lower his wand.

"What were you doing? " He asked suspiciously and she fiddled with her robes.

He noticed her mad eyes and gritted teeth.
"Annabel are you allright? "

Just as the sentence left his mouth, Annabel snarled.
Her wand at his throat, her nostrils flaring.

"Dont pretend Selwyn" She spit out.
"Dont Pretend to care when you dont"

He muttered a non verbal and her hands retreated from his throat, her body flying back.

"What are you talking about girl?"

"Dont Act. I know, I know you are using me. Using me for an heir. All these years you pretended to care when all you wanted was an heir. I need answers,  I will kill you of you dont-"

She was silenced as he petrified her and then binded her in incantations.

"Bloody violent witch" He murmured, slightly rubbing his throat.


Draco stood far from the manor, watching as the guards roamed around the huge walls.
He sighed.
As the guards walked to the other corner, he walked as quietly as possible under the disillusionment charm.

As he reached the huge gates,  he hesitated. There may be wards, after their last break in, the wards may have been added.
His doubt was confirmed as he slowly moved his hand forward and he felt the magic, the ward was there.


Annabel watched as the older man seated himself in front of her,  rubbing his palms together.

"Annabel we both don't want you  to get hurt. So I have a deal."

She couldnt move due to the body bind he put on her.
She no longer wanted answers.  She wanted to finish him.
For all he did, for all the "fake care" He showed.

She'd kill him.


Author's Note - Am terribly sorry for the shitty chapter.
Writers Block sucks.

And this story is coming to an end. Maybe six or seven chapters to go.

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