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day 1 of the winter oneshots-ice skating
"keijiiii!" bokuto quietly made his way upstairs as we yelled his boyfriends name in a whisper voice. he heard the sound of sheets and blankets moving and a loud groan. then then sound of hurried footsteps down the hallway. and


bokuto was knocked to the ground by his sleepy boyfriend. hovering over bokutos buff body was a sleepy looking akaashi but instead of a sleepy face like bokuto was expecting was a little smile. just the little grin made bokutos day 10 times better already!

"morning keiji." bokuto said still under his boyfriends lanky body. "hi." bokuto chuckled as he stared up at the dark haired individual with start eyes. a slight smirk still plastered on his face. "i have plans for us today ko." bokuto looked at his boyfriend with a clearly confused aura around the two as akaashi finally got up from the ground with his boyfriend following not long after.

"like what?" bokuto asked as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriends waist pulling him into a kiss before akaashi could answer. "you'll see. now go shower and get changed ko and meet me downstairs for breakfast." bokuto groaned as his boyfriend broke loose from his grip and pranced down the hallway.

bokuto noticed the mood change in the younger mans attitude but chose to ignore it. bokuto got into the shower as he heard his boyfriend preparing their breakfast downstairs. after his weirdly long shower he went into his closet to find an outfit.

his boyfriend was still dressed in his nighttime clothes so bokuto laid some clothes out for him as well trying to be a kind partner. bokuto threw on a black and white plaid jacket with a black turtleneck. a pair of black jeans and a random pair of white vans.

he stocked downstairs to see his boyfriend had made a pretty plain meal but bokuto was happy with anything his boyfriend made for them. "hey hontee." akaashi turned around in disgust. "stop watching beauty youtubers and help me set the table." bokuto chuckled as he approached the kitchen to help his boyfriend.

the two men ate with occasional chatter but it was a simple morning for the two. after washing the dishes together akaashi headed upstairs to get ready for the day. he took his shower before going into his room to see the outfit his boyfriend had set out for him. he chuckled a little bit before he approached the outfit to grab it.

the outfit bokuto had picked out was actually really cute and akaashi couldn't not have worn it. a black and yellow plaid jacket very similar to his boyfriends paired with a black shirt was the first thing to catch his eye. next was a pair of distressed light blue jeans with a pair of black converse. he chuckled as he got the outfit on and made his way downstairs to meet his boyfriend.

bokuto watched in awe as his boyfriend walked down the stairs holding onto a little black backpack. holding out his hand as akaashi reached the bottom of the stairs the two were off.

(y'all i suck at describing things)

"so where are we going keiji?" akaashi will never get used to when his boyfriend calls him by his given name. it sends butterflies thru his stomach. he feels like the world stops spinning but his thoughts were abrupt may stopped as out of the corner of his eyes he saw his boyfriend begin to fall. without any hesitation akaashi reaches his hand out to help his boyfriend who was now sitting on a patch of black ice looking defeated.

"thanks keijiii." akaashi chuckled as he helped his boyfriend back onto his feet. "i hate ice!" bokuto exclaimed as they started to walk again. "then your gonna hate today's plans." akaashi said before he began laughing.

soon the two men arrive at a little pond. there on the ice was a woman skating to some random yuri on ice song. bokuto made akaashi watch it at least a thousand times with his before bokuto finally left that "i want to be an ice skater" phase. even though bokuto stopped obsessing over yuri on ice it didn't mean he didn't want to try to skate still.

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