more bokuaka

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some little bokuaka situations since i hated that oneshot from yesterday


"bokuto-san please quiet down we are in the middle of a library." akaashi says to his boyfriend who is currently bouncing off the walls in excitement. bokuto turns around to his dark haired boyfriend and held out a book he was holding.

the cover of the thin what seemed to be childrens book was an owl. a black and white owl. it's eyes as yellow and dark as the ones painted across bokutos face. he was perched on a tall tree looking down at the camera.

akaashi looked up at his boyfriend with a slight smile spread across his face. "it looks like me! right 'kaaashi!?" akaashi chuckled a little bit before grabbing his boyfriends hand. "yes it does. now let's go get these books."


"can we get that plushie 'kaashii?" bokuto asked excitedly as he gripped onto his boyfriends hand dragging him around the souvenir shop. akaashi sighed before chuckling at the sight of his partner.

the two made their way in front of a little display that stored many different kinds of animal stuffed animals. bokutos eyes widened as he stared at the black and white stuffed owl. akaashi smiled before picking up the stuffed animal to buy it.

"are we gonna it?!" bokuto asked as his boyfriend took a hold of the multicolored haired boys hand. "yes bokuto-san. let's go check out." akaashi said as he dragged his grinning boyfriend along to the checkout counter.


"keiji i..i love you. and i fully understand if you don't feel the same!" akaashi looked up at the other. both of their eyes widened in surprise of what bokuto had just said. bokuto stared at the boy sitting across him at the large table.

bokutos eyes widen as he stared at the boy trying not to burst into tear right there right then. his eyes began to gloss over as he continued to stare at him awaiting an answer.

"ko we've been married for 2 years."


as the two men entered the little cart holding closely onto each other's hands. bokuto trembled in fear as the two buckled up preparing for the ride.

akaashi looked over at his boyfriend to see that he already had tears in his eyes. "hey bo. it's gonna be okay. see..i've got your hand. okay?" bokuto sighed as he gripped tighter onto the younger hand.

the ride began before the two could talk anymore. of course it was only a ferris wheel so bokuto didn't really have many reasons to be scared since it wasn't like a roller coaster but akaashi knew that his boyfriend has a fear of heights.

the two reached the top of the ride before it abruptly stopped. akaashi looked over at his boyfriend admiring his features before he spoke up.

"you okay ko?" bokuto looked over at his love. "of course. you've got me." akaashi chuckled before he laid his head on his boyfriends shoulder.


bokuto watched as his new friend passed by his lunch table. he was mesmired with every little thing the younger boy did. the way he the little dimples under his eyes scrunch up when he smiles. the way he fiddles with his fingers when he's nervous. the way he says

"bokuto-san. are you listening?"

bokuto tunred towards the younger boy. his face a bright red from the embarrassment. "are you okay bokuto-san? your brighter than a fresh tomato." bokuto chuckled before he picked up his water bottle to take a sip hoping it would cool his face down.

"i'm fine 'kaashi. so what were we talking about?" bokuto asked the younger as he turned his attention back to the boy. "i was asking you if you were going to the dance this saturday..?" bokuto sighed before he got an amazing idea.

"well i wanna go..but." bokuto trailed. " 'kaashi wanna go with me? i don't wanna go with a random girl so.." soon a bright red blush spread across akaashis pale skin. "sure bokuto-san." a giant smile spread across the owl looking mans face.


"keijiiii!" bokuto shouted towards his boyfriend. akaashi turned around as his partner came to holt in front of him. a bright smile spread across the multicolored haired boys face.

"hello bokuto-san." a slight smile plastered on akaashi red face as he stared at his boyfriend. "can you come with me super quick!?" akaashi smiled before nodding before his boyfriend took his hand and pulled him to the garden area in their schools common area.

"i got you a birthday present!" bokuto boosted as the two young men stood in the grassy area. "you didn't have to bokuto-san.." akaashi said trying to hide the bright red blush that was spread across his pale skin. "of course i had to keiji! your my boyfriend."

bokuto pulled out a fancy looking box before he motioned to his boyfriend to open the velvet box. akashi cautiously opened the velvet box to flashed with a gold chain with a little charm on it. he admired the gold chain before looking at the charm.

owl tamer

akaashi looked up at his boyfriend his eyes glossed over with tears and a cheerful chuckle echoing thru the empty space. he couldn't stop the tears and before he knew it he was sobbing the older boys chest.

weirdly just that stupid little charm made him feel weird emotions. or maybe it was just his boyfriend.

"keiji are you okay?!?" bokuto asked as he tried to calm down the younger boy. akaashi looked up at his boyfriend his cheeks now tear stained and eyes puffy. "thank you." bokuto chuckled a little bit before laying a soft kiss on the others lips.

"of course. i love you baby."

"i love you too..but your more of a baby then i am.

"am not."

"yes you are."


i live for bokuto calling akaashi keijiii

happy birthday to the prettiest boi everrr
okay peace out peoples

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