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i definitely didn't write this at wayy
no characters/art/photos belong to me.
sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes.
tendou pov-
"wakatoshi don't say that! she totally likes you!"
'well she's not the only one..'
i smiled thru the pain of watching the one and only person i love pawn after someone else.
"well....tendou. there's something you need to know."
ushijima sounded serious.
well he always sounds serious but it was a different tone of serious.
"it's a guy. the person i like is a guy."
i could feel my face go red.
i got up.
"well congrats!"
he looked at me confused.
"welcome to the wonderful life of-"
i ran into my room.
no i bolted into my room.
i grabbed my pride flag from my closet.
"liking a guyyy. or guyyyys!"
i danced a very weird looking dance to make him laugh.
i looked over to see ushijima turning bright red from embarrassment.
i laughed
at how red he had become.
he gets very flustered very easily i've noticed lately.

"so..whooo is it?"
i sat down and put the flag on my lap.
" that's a funny story..that i don't really want to tell."
i smiled.
"that's okay!"
i sat upright.
"this calls for a cake! i'm going to get one right now!"
i raced over to the front door.
i grabbed my keys, wallet, and my phone.
"30 minutes you'll have the best cake i can find in..-"
i checked my watch.
1 minute had already passed.
"29 minutes."

ushijima pov-
2 weeks earlier-
"ushiiijimmmaaa! i brought food home!"
i heard tendou yell from the living area.
i put my notebook down and made my way towards him.
there he was.
i never thought anything of emotions.
especially for him.
but today i felt a weird feeling in my stomach.
"lets sit on the balcony!"
tendou made his way towards our balcony and got himself situated.
i grabbed two water bottles and silverware and made my way towards him.
i walked out on the balcony to see tendou holding up hayashi rice.
one of my favorite foods.
i sat down and ate while listening to tendou talk about the most random stuff.
he talked the whole time time i was eating.

we had finished eating and we were just talking about the small things.
life, school, just a little bit of everything.

i had never noticed how truly gorgeous he is.
his red hair was down.
he rarely wore it down but when he did it helped shape his face.
the sunset made his pale skin even more noticeably beautiful.
he truly was breathtaking.

"wakatoshi! did you forget how to breathe!?"
he ran to me as my face turned purple.
i took a breath trying to remember what i was doing.
"yeah..sorry i guess i did."
he fell down onto his back laughing at me.
in between his laughter he managed to say.
"you really are something special!!"
he looked so happy.
i wanted him to always be that happy.

ushijima pov-
present time-
i put the yellow envelope on the counter in the kitchen.
i checked my watch.
he should be back soon.
i took a deep breath knowing that this was going to happen.
i grabbed the rest of the notes and made my way away from the apartment to hide the rest.

third person pov-
"i got the cupcakesss! they didn't have cake so well have to deal."
he set the cupcakes on the counter.
"hey!! i'm home."
he yelled as he looked around the apartment.
"maybe he went out.....or something."
tendou made his way back to the kitchen to see a yellow envelope.
"what's that?"
tendou picked up the envelope to see it was addressed to him.
it read.

go to where you would buy oikawa's milk bread.

tendou laughed.
he stood frozen for a second.
he took one last look at the letter.
the store closest to where they lived had to be the place..

tendou made his way in the store.
'milk bread..'
tendou found the milk.
he picked up another envelope.
this envelope was a pink shade.
he opened the letter.

go to the place where you can smell the flowers.

he knew exactly where it meant.
the flower garden behind the park.
it's the only place to smell flowers that tendou could think of.

he arrived to see a baby blue envelope sitting by his favorite flowers.
to be exact.
the red carnations.
he loved them because they reminded him of his own hair.
he opened the letter.

go to where you can get your chocolate ice cream.
your favorite chocolate ice cream.

he made his way towards this small cafe.
it was a quaint little place.
it made tendou feel calm.
it was just a calming atmosphere.
he noticed a light purple envelope this time.
he opened the letter being careful to not rip the pretty envelope.

go to where we met.

'where we met?'
that's who.
it would have to be him.

slowly he made his way towards the old willow tree near the pond.
he spotted a figure sitting under the tree.
the figure was made clear as he walked closer.

tendou spoke quietly trying to not spook the man sitting under the tree.
ushijima turned his head to see a tired looking tendou clutching all of the envelopes in his hands.
he had a soft smile.
ushijima stood up and leaned against the tree.
"i..i'm going to just come out and say it.
i didn't know i felt these emotions until a very amount of time ago.
i'm still trying l figure this all out but..
your my favorite person.
your the person i want to spend all of my time with.
your the person i want to grow old with.
your the person i want to love with all of my heart.
but i already do so that ones done i guess.
i'm not good at expressing my feelings so i'm trying to make this short and simple but..
i love you.
i love you tendou satori."
he took maybe two breaths while spilling all of his emotions out for tendou.

tendou could feel his face get redder and redder as ushijima spoke.
he felt tears building up in his eyes.
but as soon as the word love rolled off of his toy he he couldn't hold in the tears.
this is everything tendou had wanted.
ushijima started to say.
"i know your not good about expressing you feelings wakatoshi..but this...this was just.."
tears started to fall even harder.

ushijima ran up to tendou and pulled him close.
"i love you tendou satori. i always have. even if i didn't know. and i always will."
ushijima spoke on a soft and loving tone.
"i love you too."
tendou said it so quietly he felt as if ushijima might not be able to hear him.
"the cupcakes!"
tendou started sprinting back to their apartment.
ushijima laughed at the sight of his love hurring back to their apartment.

i truly do love tendou satori
so i came up with this as i said at 2am so it's kinda trash but whatever.
so ima go but before i go here's a meme i love.

so ima go but before i go here's a meme i love

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okay byeee

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