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bokuto no picoooo
i hate myself too no problem...
third person pov-

bokuto laid awake listening to the lively sounds and images coming from outside. the sound of roaring thunder. rain thumping against the window at many speeds. wind pressing against the walls. the flashs of lightning ever so often showing.

bokuto quickly covered his head with his blanket trying to block out the flash's of light and the sounds of the storm raging on. bokutos parents were gone for the weekend and since his sisters didn't live near he had to face this alone.

shivering from how cold he was he slowly crept out of bed to go turn up the heat. the sound of his wooden floorboards creaking under his feet as he crept into his dark hallway. he looked at the end of the dark hallway to where the thermostat was placed.

making his way down the hallway trying to ignore the roaring storm right outside. after finally being able to turn the heat up he quickly rushed back to his room. tightly closing his door he ran back to his bed. quickly he dove into his bed and covered himself back up with his warm blanket.

as he laid there trying to ignore that raging storm outside one person crossed his mind. a certain black haired setter. he quickly uncovered his head and reached for his phone. opening up his phone to be greeted by a picture of him and 'kaashi back during the first week he had met him during orientation for school.

he quickly dialed his friends number and waited impatiently to see if he'd pick up. to the black and white haired boys surprise he did answer. a tired sounding akaashi spoke up.

"bokuto-san it's 2am. do you need something?"

bokuto quickly sniffled not even noticing he was crying and decided to answer his friend.

"i'm sorry 'kaashi.."

"your scared of the told me the first week of school your fear of thunder. give me 10 minutes and i'll be there."

bokuto hadn't expected such a response but somewhat felt like a weight had been lifted.

"okay 'kaashi.."

"i have to hang up the phone so it doesn't get wet. please unlock your front door since i'll be there soon."


before another word was spoken the line went dark. bokuto quickly stood up from his bed, uncovering himself he got out of bed a rushed to the front door. he raced thru the darkened hallway, past his kitchen, and to the front door. he tunred the silver locks to unlock the door before hurring back to his room.

as he laid there awaiting the arrival of his friend while his mind began to run away to far off places.

'why was i feeling this way for akaashi..?'

'he's just my setter..'

'we're just friends.'

his thoughts were abruptly cut off by the sound of someone entering his room. akaashi stood by the entrance of his friends room holding his backpack full of essentials. a few weeks ago a pretty bad storm hit and akaashi had to collect things to keep bokuto calm during the storm so he had packed the things way in his backpack to help him.

"thanks 'kaashi." a slight smile spread across the setters face. "it's no problem bokuto-san. i brought you some strawberry pocky if you'd like some. or you can just try to sleep." a slight blush was visible across the old era face tho in the dark lighting no one could see it. "bokuto-san. where is the extra pair of blankets so i can sleep on the floor?" akaashi asked his friend who was still curled up in his large blanket. "we can just share my bed 'kaashi!" a blush spread across the raven-haired boys face.

as akaashi got into bed next to his upperclassman he examined the orders face. in the dark lighting he couldn't see the dark blush spread profusely across his pale skin but he admired his eyes. the light and dark hues of yellow mixed perfectly together shining in the dark lighting.

the two boys laid in bed in silence. yet it wasn't awkward silence. before the two boys knew it another round of thunder had begun. bokuto gripped tightly onto the youngers shirt. tears flowing down his still red cheeks as the youngers drew circles on his back. akaashi hummed trying to block out any sounds he possibly could.

they stayed cuddled closely together the whole night. embracing each other. enjoying each other's warmth. the other protection. but soon that came to an end.

" 'kaashi.." akaashis eyes slowly fluttered open to be met by a red-faces bokuto in close proximity. "yes bokuto-san?" a slight smile appeared on the olders face. "good morning." akaashi smiled at the boy who was wrapped in his arms. "morning bokuto-san." akaashi said as he began to rub circles on the younger back without even noticing.

" 'kaashi you know i love you right? like romantically.."

a bright red blush appeared on the youngers face before he responded. "i didn't bokuto-san..but." a slight smirk spread across the owl-like mans face. "you love me 'kaashi and you know it." bokuto began to tickle the youngers stomach.

after trashing and fighting his way out of the olders tickles. still in his right embrace tho. he answered.

"i love you too bokuto-san. like romantically."
my love for bokuaka is like..absolutely insane.
i also decided to re-read ial for the like..6th time just to feel something last night and fuck i forgot how it makes me cry. okay well ima go to sleep since i have to see my family tomorrow and that might just make me jump off a roof. bye.

and no i'm not sorry for the strawberry pocky.

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