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kageyama pov-

today marks 1 year of hinata and i dating. i'm not a sappy person and he knows that. but i need to make this perfect for him. yes he might be an annoying little tangerine. but he's my annoying tangerine. my original plan was to re-create our first date. then i decided against it since he ended up getting food poisoning. so i went onto plan 2.

"yachi can i ask you something?" i muttered as i approached the short girl. "of course!" a huge grin spread across her face she she looked at me. ever since the old third years came back for winters break she's been in a unexplainable happy mood. "what kind of thing do people like do on dates?" i asked as i looked at my feet trying to avoid eye contact. "oo who's the lucky person?!" oh right we never told the team so i of course have to lie. "just someone." i muttered.

"hmm..well picnics are nice for people that don't want to go out to restaurants and stuff like that. carnivals are fun for people who like to be outside with their significant other but also around other people. and my personal favorite..star gazing!!" she was practically bouncing off the walls naming off different ideas for me. "okay thanks yachi." she nodded. "of course!"
my tangerine🍊

me- hey babe can you meet me at {random park name} at 10:30.

my tangerine🍊- of course kags!💞

me- love you

my tangerine🍊- love you too!!🥰
i smiled at my phone as i sat my bag down on my bed. "hey mom!" i yelled down to my mom who was currently making dinner. "kageyama come down so i don't have to yell!" she shouted back. i rolled my eyes and walked down stairs to see miwa and my mom making rice. "hey tobio!" miwa said as jumped into my arms for a hug. "hey mom can i be out past 12:00 tonight?" she turned around and eyed me. "why?" she turned back around to the stove.

"i wanted to take hinata stargazing for our." i cleared my throat. "our 1 year." miwas eyes lit up. "why didn't you ever tell me you and that little tangerine were dating idiot!?" she poked my right cheek. "you may but be back by 12:15. and no. and i mean NO funny business." she said sternly. a noticeable smirk spread across my face. "thanks mom." i kissed her cheek and headed back upstairs.


i arrived on the little hill looking down on the town. the lights from the houses and buildings cast a bright sight for kageyama to look down. i sat my supplies down on the grass and started to prepare the date.

i laid down a simple plaid blanket with two pillows for us to lay down. i also brought another blanket to lay with. i laid a plastic bag down on the blanket and pulled the items inside out. i got 3 meat buns. 1 for me. 2 for hinata. and milk. my personal favorite. i didn't want to go all out so i made it as simple but cute as i possibly could.

third person pov-

as hinata walked up the steep hill he noticed a figure standing by a gate. "hey babes!" hinata shouted as he ran towards the figure. soon he reached his boyfriend and pulled him into a hug. "you idiot! what if it wasn't me?!" kageyama said as he cupped the smaller boys face. he pulled him into a quick kiss before taking his hand and leading him to the blanket.

"ohh. kags i thought you forgot." hinata said as he gripped onto his boyfriends arm. "i wouldn't forget something important like this." kageyama said leaning down to the orange haired boy. "happy anniversary babes." kageyama said as he pecked his boyfriends nose.

the two boys laid down on the blanket and got comfortable. kageyama pulled the boy close into his chest and wrapped his arms loosely around the orange haired boys waist. hinata wrapped his arms around kageyama's neck and began playing with his dark hair. the sound of cars and people below broke the comfortable silence the two boys had formed.

there weren't any stars in the sky but the few that they did see weren't that cool to the two boys. they observed the stars for a good 10 minutes more before they became bored. "hey kags." he looked up at his boyfriend who was basically asleep. "yes?" hinata smiled and pulled the boys face close to his own. he slowly laid kissed all aliens the raven-haired boys face making him smile every time hinatas lips made contact with his skin.

(god i hate the word lips for some reason lol)

"i love you kags."

"i love you too idiot."
y'all i'm always a slut i'm for kagehina.
okay here's a meme.

 okay here's a meme

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