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i'm gonna refer to them as ittetsu and keishin since their married in this oneee
i had like a sudden burst of ideas so i wrote like 5 different ones but i liked this one what do 🤪
"hey ittetsu i'm heading out." keishin called out to his husband. before he could slip out the door he heard hurried footsteps echoing down the hallway. he chuckled at the sight of his husband in a large t-shirt, a pair of boxers, and two different socks on both feet.

ittetsu rushed towards the taller man for a kiss and a hug before he left for the night. keishin chuckled as his husband burrowed his head into a little crook in his neck holding onto his t-shirt for support as he practically climbed up his body. "darling i have to go." keishin said as he kissed his husbands forehead.

a slight scowl appeared on the black-haired mans face before he jumped off of his husbands body. "fine. give me a kiss then you may go." keishin chuckled as he leaned down to meet his husbands face. ittetsu was about to bonk his husbands head for leaning down but he was quickly cut off by his husband kissing him.

keishin slowly parted from his husbands lips before they..continued on accident. "i have got to go darling." ittetsu opened his eyes as a frown appeared on his face. "i'll be how before the sun rises. i promise." keishin said before laying one last kiss on his husbands lips. "god stop with that nicknameee!" keishin began laughing as he left to his car.

"goodbye. i love you my darling." ittetsu watched as his husband called out to him before climbing into his car to go pick up a package for their daughter. he held onto the door handle as he watched his husband drive away. echoing thru his mind was the word darling.

when they began dating over 10 years ago keishin started calling him darling just to see his face flush a bright red. but now it was a sweet name he uses everyday to address his husband.

ittetsu never really cared for it because it was cheesy but he also hated the fact that it made him go red. he hated the fact that it sent butterflies into his stomach.

he closed the door and stocked back upstairs to go to back to sleep. he passed by his daughters bedroom before making his way into his dark and quiet room. he hated the quiet. especially the quiet when keishin isn't home.

he slept until the early morning when he was awoken by the sound of his phone going off. he peered at the little device and without hesitation picked it up.

"hello is this ittetsu ukai?"

"um yes.."

"sir is your husband keishin ukai?"


"sir we need you to come to (insert random hospital name)"

without hesitation takeda jumped out of bed. grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a random sweatshirt as he rushed out of the room. he had completely forgetten his phone which was now lying in the middle of his bedroom floor.

he quickly got his daughter up and rushed her to the car. being 10 she was old enough to stay home but that hadn't even crossed his mind at that moment. he had changed while he was having her brush her teeth.

the two sat silently in the emergency room hand in hand awaiting an answer on keishin. ittetsus daughter was fast asleep in his arms but ittetsu was further from sleep than how far we are from the world just caving in.

a man in a white doctors coat walked out with an unreadable expression on his face. "ittetsu ukai?" he asked as he looked at a board he had in his hand. ittetsu quickly answered the male as he still held onto his young daughter.

as the man walked over ittetsu could see the sorrowful expression on his face as he neared ittetsu. "sir your husband..he did not make it out of surgery. there were major injuries to his head and abdomen which could've been solved but..he left a voice male for you instead of calling the ambulance..he died on the table."

ittetsu felt his word collapse around him. he couldn't stop the tears. sobs echoed throughout the almost empty room as he held tightly onto his daughter. not wanting to let go of the last peice of their family he had now.

and once again the same word echoed thru his empty mind.



"here you go sir. i am sorry for your loss." ittetsu took the tiny device into his hand examining it he felt as rush of pain wash over him. he stared at the screen saved on the phone. it was a picture of them and their daughter on their adoption day.

he quickly opened the phone not wanting to but he knew that he had one last thing waiting for him. he stared at the phone blankly before tapping into the recording.

"ittetsu..i'm sorry. i should be calling an ambulance right now..clearly but i need to just say this..i love you more than words can explain. the way your tiny hand fits in mine. the way your eyes twinkle when you see something you like. the way you laugh. the way you smell. the way you do everything with such beauty and grace. any you my darling are the best thing to ever happen to me. of course their are many beauties of my life..our daughter, our life, but you my darling are the real beauty of of it all. so thank you..thank you for loving me.

i love you my darling."

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