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so todays fathers day and i really hate today to say the least. its been pretty hard for me to have any parental figure in my life because of multiple reasons. the past few days for me have seemed like hell because some shit happened and if im being honest today has been the worst. not because something insanely horrible happened but because its the day celebrating some of the people who have hurt me the most in my life so i guess i wanted to come on here and say i love you all and im sorry that he hurt you or that anyone has hurt you. you dont deserve it and i know (some random gay guy on the internet lol) that your doing the best you can right now. thanks for still being here and for still fighting. to some of you this might not apply but i dont really care. i love you all and im proud of you. 

okay now that i said that ill eventually have another oneshot out soon life got rlly crazy and i probablyyy wont write anything until tuesday because i need to check in with my therapist and figure some shit out but i do plan on writing a few oneshots after tuesday but i dont rlly want to write while im in this headspace<3

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