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heyy sorry for not getting this out sooner. school just finished up for me soooo ill try to write a lot this summer! sooo heres this. also sorry for the horrible grammar and shit im typing on my laptop and i dont proof read soo also sorry its pretty short lol.

"Bokuto..bokuto come on out please." akaashi spoke quietly trying not to frighten the older man. He sighed as he sat on the ground next to the bed. A little whimper could be heard from under the bed which sent chills up akaashi's spine.

Bokuto had messaged the black haired man earlier that day with a simple hi. Nothing more. Akaashi knew from just that message that something was wrong.

The day had gone on like any usual saturday..well almost. After the one 'hi' from bokuto he hadn't messaged the younger again. Akaashi finally sucked it up and headed to the olders house later that day.

" whats up? You know that you can talk to me if something is" akaashi spoke louder this time with more power in his voice. More love in his voice.

Soon the black haired man heard ruffling from under the bed then pop out came the owl looking man. Akaashi stared at the older and examined his face and body.

"Darling..did something happen?" akaashi asked with worry in his eyes.

Bokuto sat up. His black and white locks sticking out in every direction. His eyes red-shot with deep dark undereyes visible for what would seem like miles away.

"I had a panic attack." bokuto moved a peice of his hair away from his eye so he could continue talking. "It was bad. Really bad. I dont know what caused it but i hated it. I felt helpless and alone. I wanted to call you but.."

Akaashi sympathetically smiled before he put his arms around his boyfriend. "Bokuto. I know you feel alone and i know it hurts. But you'll be fine."

Bokuto smiled and settled in the warmth of his boyfriends arms. He took a deep breath in trying to salvage this moment.

Both of their breathing in a perfect symphony with each other. Akaashis arms wrapped around the olders neck while bokuto buried his face into the others neck.

"Bokuto I've been gone for 3 years now darling. You have to let me go."

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