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welp here ya go
also sorry for not doing the accent i always forget to write w/ it
they be ooc
i definitely didn't proof read so it might be all over the place✌️
"kita. you ready?" aran asks the shorter male as he made his way into the changing room. he felt his face heat up as he saw his teammate in the middle of changing. "sorry!" aran yelped as he stepped out of the room.

a bright red blush was visible on kitas face as he finished putting on his shirt. kita grabbed his backpack, phone, and keys before he slid open the door.

"you ready?" kita asked the taller male. "yup." aran answered sheepishly as kita began to walk away. aran followed shortly after his teammate trying to cool his face down.

the two males made their way out of the school and down to arans car. kita got in first but not before he threw his bag into the back. aran followed quickly behind so he could start the car.

the two needed to study for a test and found it easier to work at home than at a cafe or a library. aran started the car before he put it into reverse and pulled out of the parking garage.

the two sat in uncomfortable silence as a random song played in the back. before aran knew it he heard kita humming along to the song. he assumed he liked the song so he turned it up just a bit.

(excuse my love for this song)

a little smile spread across kitas face. "imma sing. cover your ears if you don't wanna be blown from the car." that little sentence from kita cleared the awkward silence as kita began to practically yell the lyrics to song.

"sWitchiN thEm poSITIonS FoR yOuUuU" aran laughed as he listened to his friend yell the lyrics with no car in the world.

"cOOkin' iN tHe kItChen anD im iN tHe beDrooM" he continued to sing/yell all the way to arans house.

they arrived in front a little cottage like house. kita had been over plenty of times so he didn't bother to wait for his teammate.

"momma. i'm home. kitas with me." aran yelled upstairs. after receiving no answer the two assumed she wasn't home. they slid off their shoes and made their way downstairs.

the two entered arans room setting their bags on his bed before aran turned around. "i'm going to o go grab some water. want some?" kita answered with a simple nod and aran was off.

kita had been in his rooms hundreds of times before. but every time he sat on his bed it sends butterflies into his stomach. he looked around the plainly decorated room before spotting a certain photo.

it was a photo of aran, atsumu, osamu, suna, and of course himself at a random playground.

a lil flashback-

it was around 5am when aran received a message from a certain teammate of his.

kita- yo my bro.

aran- ? bro

kita- yes. atsumu, osamu, and suna were bothering me to bring them ice cream so i did just that cause what kind of parent would i be if i didn't feed my children.

aran- mk..and?

kita- somehow we ended up at some random park and we have no idea where we are.

aran facepalmed as he got up from his bed. he hastily slid on some joggers and a sweatshirt. he put his running shoes on and quietly made his way out of the house.

aran- send me your location i'll come walk you home.

kita- yeeee thanks!

aran- was that atsumu?

kita- yeah sorry. he stole my phone. see you soon then.

aran looked around in his pocket and ended up not finding his keys like he had thought they were. he ignored it and began walking to the location his friends sent him.

lucky for him it wasn't that far from his house. so soon enough he saw two boys wrestling on the ground, suna taking pretty good quality pictures of it, and kita trying but failing to scold them. aran laughed before he called out to them.

the two stopped beating each other up and suna hastily put his phone in his pocket. the three first years and the one second year started walking towards the tall male.

aran escorted the twins back to the miya household making sure to lock the front door. he walked with suna as kita ranted about how annoying they were with suna only giving comments on atsumu but not osamu. kita and aran dropped the young teenager at his house before he walked kita home.

"suna totally likes osamu." aran said as he took a breath of the cold fall air. "definitely. and i know for a fact that osamu likes suna. so eventually they'll get together. as long as their not pussys. well night aran." kita said as he walked up to his front door waving goodnight to his friend.

end of lil flashback-

'shit now i'm being the pussy.' kita shouted at himself. he began to start to pace around his friends room not even noticing his friend had made his way into the room.

"are you okay kita? you seem stressed." aran said setting the two glasses of water on his desk. kita was a little shocked by the sudden voice and ended up falling backwards.

aran chuckled as he approched his friend now laying on the ground with his hair on either side of his face. "you okay?" kita grimaced as he stood up with a little help from his friend. "yeah thanks." aran could tell something was off with his friend but chose to ignore i-

"aran i like you."

arans eyes widened as he turned around in pure shook. he began to mutter under his breath trying to process what his friend had just said. of course he had feeling for him but it just shocked the hell out of him.

"and i understand if you don't-aran you okay?" aran looked up not even noticing the huge grin on his face he was able to mutter out a few words that kita could actually understand.

"if-you-me-then-means-date." kita raised an eyebrow in confusion but before he could say anything aran had cleared his throat and spoke.

"kita may i kiss you?" kitas eyes widened with a clearly surprised expression on his face. "fuck yeah. now i'm not a puss-" he was cut off by a pair of lips gently pressing on his.

kita slowly sunk into the kiss. their lips moved in perfect motion. without even noticing kita moved on top of his teammates lap and wrapped his legs around his waist.

"i'm home. sorry it took longe-" a little women stood by the door with her jaw dropped. "so this is what you meant by studying huh? welp! come upstairs once your." she pointed at the two. "once your done and have dinner."

kita fell onto the bed in embarrassment as arans face began to cool down. "sorry." aran muttered under his breath but kita had caught it.

"aran wanna go out?" aran turned around in confusion. "i think me kissing you should spread enough of a message." kita chuckled before he walked up to the other.

"yey! now i'm not the pussy!" kita cheered as he wrapped his arms around the taller mans waist.

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