shremiya again

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i don't know why the hell i wrote this but here's the story plus pictures to go with it also there are manyy spelling errors....

as atsumu left the house devastated by what he just saw. how could pence cheat on him! it's unforgivable. but he had to stay strong he had to keep on going. nothing can knock him down!

"ow! what the he-" atsumu yelled as he fell back on impact. there in front of him stood the most beautiful man he had ever seen. skin as green as spring grass. eyes as dark as the night sky. and the meanest expression painted across his dazzling face.

"i'm sorry. here i'll help you." he said holding out his hand. atsumu graciously took the mans hand. atsumu steadied himself on his feet before he bowed in appreciation for the help. "oh no need to bow. i was just helping. the names shrek."

wait shrek! like famous politician shrek!

"oh! atsumu miya." atsumu said shaking the mans soft hand. (eww) "no problem. you should probably head home it's getting dark.." shrek said scratching the back of his head nervously. atsumu sighed before he felt tears building up in his eyes.

before he knew it the big green man had pulled him into a tight hug. atsumu cuddled into the larger mans heat holding tightly onto his shirt. shrek began to rub circles on his back to try to calm the fake blonds breathing.

"thank you." atsumu said as he burrowed his head into the crook of the others neck. "of course." shrek reasoned in a soft and quiet tone. "do you have a place to stay tonight atsu?" atsumu smiled slightly at the nickname before pulling away.

"no.." he said quietly looking at his feet trying to avoid eye contact. shrek brought his hand under the others chin turning his head up so that their eyes met. "you can stay at my place tonight..okay?" atsumu of course didn't want to intrude so he declined at first but the huge green man insisted on it.

timeskip to shreks swamp=

"sorry it's such a mess." atsumu chuckled a little bit stepping over a pile of dog crap. "it's okay shrek. no worries here." shrek turned around to face him. before atsumu could say anything else shrek broke the barrier between the two.

the night continued on as shrek had planned..

the next morning=

"shrek i don't feel too good.." atsumu said sitting up as he winced in pain. "maybe your..pregnant.." shrek said sitting up next to his now lover. "maybe..i guess i'll go to see the village doctor and check."

the two enjoyed their simple morning that included having brunch, feeding the ducks, and a few little kisses on the forehead. before the two knew it they were in the doctors office being told life changing news.

"you indeed are pregnant mr miya. you two will have to get married since ya know society doesn't except premarital sex and pregnancy." atsumu looked over at his lover with a desperate look. atsumu didn't want get married and he definitely didn't want a child. but atlas they found their way to a little pond.

"atsumu when i met you for the first time yesterday i was blown away. not just by your beauty but your attitude your kindness and the way you hold yourself. so i hope you will be accept this ring pop and take my hand in holy matrimony." atsumu was blown away by shreks words. he's always had such a way with words.

the two settled down that night with happiness knowing that tomorrow they would be getting married. than they would have their child! there was nothing that could take this happiness away..or at least atsumu thought.

timeskip to after their romantic wedding=

atsumu quickly rushed into the bathroom feeling the baby was coming. he wasn't prepared nor did he know what to do. he laid himself down on the floor and quickly dialed the phone to get shrek.

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