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Rosa was asleep on my chest, her hair sprawled across her back. I held a strand and wound it around my finger. She murmured in her sleep and I gently kissed the top of her head, breathing her in. 

Being with Rosa had been just how I'd remembered, how I dreamt it would be. There had been no awkwardness, no unspoken worries, it had just been us together. I smiled and stared up at the ceiling. 

When Harry had knocked on the door with her things, I'd expected a fight but instead, it was the opposite. Harry had yanked me into a hug declaring how glad he was that I was ok, how worried they'd been about me. 

I'd tried to apologise for what had happened between Rosa and I but Harry had shrugged it off, appearing non-plussed about it all.

"She was never mine to begin with, Dominic.How can you compete with the love of someone's life?"

We'd drank coffee together and Harry told me about his work, asking about my therapy and plans for the future. I'd tried to be honest but all I knew was that my future was Rosa. 

He'd smiled at my non-committal answer, "If you love her, don't ever let her go. If you love her, you need to show her."

As Rosa had burst in, full of sunshine and coffee, I couldn't get Harry out of the door quick enough. Months of living with Rosa, of loving her and I needed to show her that there was no-one else that I could be with. There had never been an option. 

Rosa stirred and I kissed the top of her head again.

 I felt her smile against my chest, "Hi."

She lifted her head up, smiling at me and, just like every other time she did that, I couldn't believe that this beautiful woman wanted me. 

"I need to tell you something," I told her. 

Her smile flickered, "Oh? Is everything ok? Was.. was it ok?"

I grinned, finding it hard to believe that she thought that I'd think that it'd been anything less than fantastic, "Everything is perfect. You're perfect. I find myself looking at you and think how amazing it is that you're here with me. That you chose me, even after I pushed you away so many times. I love you, Rosa."

Rosa's smile brightened and she leaned forward to kiss me gently. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.

"Marry me," I whispered against her lips.

"What?" Rosa pulled back as far as I could let her, shock in her features.

"Marry me. Be mine. I'm already yours, I'll always be yours. I want to wake up with you and go to sleep with you, I want all the good times and the bad times and the normal life times that make up the in-between. I want everything with you, Rosa. You're it for me."


"I'll spend the rest of my life making you happy, Rosa. I can't believe how much you've changed my life.."

"Dom, be quiet."

I stopped, looking at Rosa and realising that I didn't know what she was thinking. Her eyes shone with unshed tears and I felt my stomach plummet in fear.

Rosa leaned closer and kissed me again, "Yes. It will always be yes."

"Yes?" I half-laughed in disbelief.

"Yes!" She laughed back and I kissed her hard, pulling her as close as physically possible and hating that it wasn't enough. 

"You're going to be mine," I said against her skin. 

"I was always yours," she replied. 

Girl on the Bench [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now