Who the fuck are you?

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I started the engine but didn't drive away. I knew I shouldn't be this close to a police station, Paul would kill me if he knew but I couldn't leave her.

There were people in there who would love to know about Paul and his dealings. He had been doing them for so long and so quietly that other dealers had made bigger noises and that had kept the police quiet. Paul controlled it all. He was like their puppet master. They didn't even know it.

I thought about Lola and what would happen to her if Paul knew that I had brought Rosa to my flat. What would happen if Paul found out that I had gotten involved with a situation that I had nothing to do with. I had one job, get the money. That's all I had to do. Get the money and that was it.

I watched Rosa walk up the steps and open the door. She stopped, as if she was going to look over her shoulder then she stepped forward and the door closed behind her. I knew why they had asked her to come to the station instead of the hospital. I knew what they were going to tell her.

I should just leave. Rosa wasn't my problem. This wasn't my job. I killed the engine and opened the door.

I couldn't leave her.



The desk sergeant told me to take a seat and he made a phone call. The waiting area was cold and the walls were covered with posters asking for information to help solve crimes. My Dad had been using for years but we had managed to avoid being involved with the police until now. I touched the side of my face and grimaced. Who was that man at our house? Why had Dominic been there? Where was my Dad?

"Rosa?" A soft voice asked.

I looked up at a woman with short dark spiky hair and a friendly smile.

"I'm D.I. Miller. Thank you for coming so quickly. Could you follow me please?"

I stood up and felt a wave of dizziness hit me again. I tried to sit down and felt an arm wrap around my waist.

"Are you ok?" It was Dominic.

I looked up at him, shocked.

"Rosa? Are you ok?" Miller placed an hand on my arm and I tore my eyes off of Dominic's face, so full of concern.


Dominic sat down on the plastic chair and folded his arms , "I'll wait here for you."

I nodded then followed Miller into a small,white interview room. She offered me a chair then sat opposite me.

"I'm glad you're going to the hospital, Rosa. You need someone to look at your face. Who is that man outside?" She asked.

"He's ... a friend," I said,confused. I wasn't sure why he was there but I was glad he was.

Miller took a deep breath and leaned forward.

"Rosa, I'm sorry to tell you this but your father has died. It appears to be from an overdose."

I stared blankly.


I heard the blood rushing in my head and I could see his small, grey body curled up on the floor. He hadn't been a Dad to me in a long time but I had promised Mum.

He was dead?

I had failed.

Miller continued to talk but I couldn't make out the words. I stood up and stumbled towards the door.


"I need air. Give me air," I flung the door open and walked on shaking legs towards Dominic. He stood up and pulled me towards him. I tried to speak but it was as if he knew what I needed. He guided me to the door and out into the harsh winter air.

I sat on a wall with my eyes closed and focused on my breathing. Dominic was talking to Miller and I heard the gravel crunch underfoot as she walked back into the station.

Dominic sat next to me.


I stayed silent.

"I need to take you to the hospital. You need to get checked out."

"Why didn't you take me there in the first place?" I asked. I opened my eyes and looked at my boots.

"I..I don't know," he stuttered.

"Why were you at my house?" I felt anger bubble in my chest.

He said nothing.

I turned towards him. He stared at me.

"Dominic, who the fuck are you?"

Girl on the Bench [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now