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I stared out the window. My leg itched and I tried to ignore it, it was worse if I scratched it. The pain would worsen and then I wouldn't be to cope with having my prosthetic on. There was a couple of patients outside planting in the vegetable garden and I could see some of the therapists working with others around a table. I fidgeted and glanced at the clock. Lee would be here soon for our session. I had time.

I wheeled myself over to my side table and opened the drawer, pulling out my phone. I switched it on and saw another two messages from Rosa. I felt that familiar pull in my lower stomach as I opened and read them. She told me about her cottage and a new recipe that she was trying out. She ended it as she always did "I love you."

I didn't reply, I couldn't bring myself to. What would I say? Too much time had passed now, she would give up soon. She had to. I didn't want her to but I couldn't give her what she needed. I opened my photo album and pulled up the photos I looked at every day. Rosa sitting on my sofa in the loft, her head tipped back, smiling with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She was perfect. I knew I'd loved her then. I couldn't feel this way for another person for it not to be love.

"Ready to rumble, mate?" Lee burst into the room with jazz hands. I shut my phone down quickly and tucked it into my hoodie pocket. I eyed him suspiciously, he looked like he was up to something.

"Come on, let's get you up," He grabbed my liner and prosthetic and danced over to me.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Who? Me? Nothing, I'm good. All is good, all is well,"Lee said as I rolled up my trouser leg and we fixed the liner and prosthetic on. Lee pulled my frame over and then watched as I pulled myself up and tried out a few steps.

"You're being weird, " I told him.

"Nah man, I just can't get over how good you look now that you've ditched the homeless man look. I mean, those cheekbones! That jaw line! Thank god, Lola convinced you to cut your hair and shave," Lee said, looking anywhere but my eyes.

I let go of the frame with one hand and rubbed my jaw, "I guess. Did you have extra coffee today or something?"

"No, no, no. Just waiting on a delivery. Come on, let's get you walking down the corridor. Do you want to go outside today? It's such nice weather."

"Okay.." I grunted and followed him out my room. We made our way down the corridor past the other bedrooms and into the main hallway. I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my spine. It was getting easier to walk, to get used to the prosthetic but it was still hard work. Lee walked next to me, one hand near my lower back in case I needed him and we headed outside. The sun was beating down but there was a cool breeze. I stopped and breathed in the fresh air. Lee fidgeted next to me.

"Would you quit it?"I growled at him.

"Sorry, sorry," He grinned, not looking sorry at all.

I rolled my eyes at him and inched my way forward to the bench that was next to a small pond. I sank down onto and Lee sat next to me. His leg jiggled and he checked his watch.

"What's going on, Lee? You're being more annoying than usual and honestly, you're normally really annoying so this is a whole new level."

Lee frowned, "I'm sorry, just waiting on my delivery. So, you ready for the day of Escape?"

I shrugged, "Sure. It'll be good to go home."

Except it wasn't home, I was going to get what I needed and then, well I didn't know what. Maybe I should move. Go somewhere with Lola.

"Delivery for Dominic Logan?" I heard from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and the ground fell away beneath me.

Dark hair resting over her shoulders and twinkling eyes. She was wearing a teal vest top and fitted jeans that hugged her waist. She looked thinner and I noticed dark smudges under her eyes. Was that because of me? God, I hoped not. She was holding a paper bag with 'Bella's Bakes' written over it and I remembered her standing behind the counter with a whisk in her hand and flour covering her nose.

My heart skipped a beat as I pulled myself to standing, gripping my frame so hard that I could hear the metal creak. She was here and every part, every cell in my body urged me forward as I stepped forward.

She didn't move as she watched me with her eyes wide. She didn't look at my leg or the way I was walking, she kept her gaze on my face studying me like she was trying to commit me to memory.

I stopped in front of her and my body shook from the exertion. Rosa reached out with her free hand and touched the top of mine gently. Fire swept up my arm and into my chest.

"I brought cake and coffee," she said softly, carefully as if she wondered how I'd reply.

I swallowed, "Will you sit with me this time?"

A smile burst over her face so bright I nearly landed on my ass.

"I might even share my cake with you," she grinned.

I couldn't help it. I grinned back.

Girl on the Bench [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now