Shit show

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"Rosa! I know you're in there!"

I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling. I felt empty. I had let my mum down. He was dead. I was alone. I closed my eyes, rolled over and pulled the duvet over my head.


The banging had moved from the door to the window above my head. I groaned and wriggled further down into the cocoon I had created.

"Soph, maybe she doesn't want to talk to anyone," Callie's voice sounded calm and soft as she tried to calm Sophia down.

"Tough shit, Callie! She needs me, she just doesn't know it yet!" More banging on my window.

"Rosa, I am not leaving until I see your face! I have brought a tent and a she-wee so I'm ready to stay here for the night!"

I pulled the duvet down and rolled out of bed. As I walked over to the door I glanced at the mirror, I had a black eye and my top lip was swollen. I hadn't slept and I was exhausted. I opened the door as Sophia started to hit it again.

"Rosa!" She launched herself at me and wrapped me up in a hug. Callie stood behind her awkwardly.

"What's a she-wee?" I asked.

Sophia leaned back and looked at me with a frown on her face.

"It's something for camping where you...anyway it doesn't matter. Are you ok? Your poor Dad! It's all over the news and then you wouldn't answer your phone..."

She tailed off and pulled me back into a tight hug, "Don't do that again, ok?"

I nodded and hugged her back. Callie and Sophia came in and I told them the bare facts of what had happened. Sophia frowned as she realised that my Dad had been using for a long time. I didn't tell them about Dominic, I wanted to keep him to myself just now.

"I just want to try and sleep," I said, stifling a yawn.

"Ok, I'll sleep on the couch and Callie.." Sophia began and Callie shook her head at her.

"Soph, no. Look at her. She's exhausted. Let her sleep. You'll call us later won't you, Rosa?"

I flashed Callie a grateful smile and she smiled back in return. She reached over and took hold of Sophia's hand.

"Let's go, Soph. Rosa needs to rest," she said and gently pulled Sophia up to standing.

Sophia opened her mouth to respond then closed her mouth again. She bent over and hugged me tightly then as soon as they had arrived, they were gone.

I locked the door behind me and sat on my bed.  I felt restless. I had messaged Henry and Gail who worked at the cafe last night and left them in charge. I had nothing to do. I didn't have Dad to look after.

Tears pricked my eyes. I rubbed my face furiously and stood up. I found my phone and realised that Sophia had called nearly 100 times. I smiled slightly, she was persistent. I scrolled through her texts then realised that I was looking for a text that I wouldn't get. Dominic didn't have my number.

I twirled my hair then pulled up his number. Should I call him? He left me stunned and confused. I remembered his lips on mine. His thick blonde hair falling forward.

I pressed Call.



It had been a shit show ever since I'd left Rosa. Paul had been white with rage, he had ordered his crew to find out what was going on and nobody had delivered him any useful information. Paul did not like being kept in the dark. By the time I had walked into his office there was blood on the walls and several of the guys were holding their nose or limbs that were clearly broken.

I told Paul what I knew. I told him about the guy. I had spotted a tattoo on his forearm, five dark circles linked together which indicated that he could be from a rival gang. Paul had been pleased and had patted me on the back, his knuckles still flecked with blood. It had left a stain on my jumper.

I didn't tell him about Rosa.

I couldn't.

Afterwards, I had gone to the house to find Lola but she was working. I tried to get some rest in one of the spare rooms but my mind was working overtime. I had headed back to the flat and, as I opened the door, the scent that seemed to follow Rosa hung heavily in the air. I breathed in deeply. Vanilla and coffee beans. I crawled into bed and rested my head on the same pillow that she had slept on.

I hadn't expected to sleep but it washed over me and I was gone.

I woke up a few hours later to my phone ringing. I fumbled around and found it in my jeans pocket.

"Yeah?" I croaked, my throat aching for water.


I sat upright.

"Rosa," I said. I reached over and took a swig from the bottle on the side table.

"Did I wake you?" She asked quietly.

"No. Are you ok?" I swung my legs out of bed and started to pull my jeans on.

" I don't know," The words felt out in a rush and I could hear her voice crack with tears.

"I'll be there in 10," I said and ended the call. My heart was racing, she made me nervous. I didn't know how to talk her. She wasn't using, I didn't need her money.

All I knew was that I wanted to see her.

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