2 years later

5 0 0


I closed the door to the oven and exhaled loudly, I'd been up since 3.30am prepping bakes for the cafe and working on the wedding cake for Lee and Lola. Lee had been desperate to marry Lola since she'd agreed but Lola had decided to go to college and studied hard for the past two years as a social work support worker. I didn't think Dom could have been more proud when she found out that she'd been accepted to start her Masters at University in the Autumn. Both he and Lee had puffed out their chests in pride with Lola roaring with laughter at them, it had been her that had done all the hard work after all. 

I heard the door to the cafe open and close and I glanced up at the clock. It was only 6am. Nobody should be here until at least 7. I grabbed a spatula, dripping cake mix and made my way through the kitchen and to the doorway that led out to the cafe. I peeked around and frowned, there was nobody there. I walked further into the cafe, ignoring the splatter of cake mix that was dropping onto my chucks. I had heard the door open, hadn't I?

"Hi," I heard from behind me and I shrieked, spinning around and waving the spatula wildly. 

"Rosa! It's me!" Dom laughed, raising his arms in self defence. 

I dropped the spatula and glared at him, " What the hell do you think you were doing? You scared the ever loving shit out of me!"

Dom reached out and pulled me close into him, " I woke up and wondered where my beautiful wife was."

I blushed and burrowed my face into his grey jumper, "Sorry, I couldn't sleep and the wedding is tomorrow. I need to give it all enough time to cool so that I can ice it properly..."

Dom dropped a kiss onto my head and wrapped me into a hug, "Leave a note next time, hm?"

I nodded and breathed him in, still marvelling at how I still get the fluttering in my stomach when he's near. 

"Want a coffee?" I asked. 

"Sure," he replied and I stepped away, moving around the counter to the machine. I fired it up and caught Dom smiling at me.


"Do you remember when I first met you here? You tried to kill me with a whisk that time..."

I snorted, "I think you get a kick out of trying to make me wound you with kitchen utensils. Just remember what happened to Lee when he tried to scare me at the cottage and I was making cupcakes."

Dom burst out laughing, "I'll never forget his face when he realised you'd thrown an entire bag of flour on him. I thought Lols was going to die laughing."

He settled onto one of the higher stools, stretching his legs out. Dom had started working with a charity helping people with recovering addictions and even though I knew it was rewarding to him, I worried that he pushed himself too hard. 

"Work today?" I asked, placing the cup before him. 

He nodded, "Just a couple of hours. I wanted to get things wrapped up before Lee phones me up with another best man related emergency. I swear, that guy makes Bride-zillas look laid back. "

I chuckled, "I'm seeing Sophia later, she's not coping well with the morning sickness so I've made ginger biscuits for her. She swears they work miracles."

Dom smiled, "Make sure that she gets them this time, you know how much Callie loves those biscuits."

"I think she may kill her wife if that happens."

Dom laughed and sipped his coffee. I watched him, thinking back to when we first met. How he'd been so sad, so stressed and alone. He seemed lighter now, happier. I thought back to our wedding day, it had only been us with Sophia, Callie, Lola and Lee who officiated in our garden. I remembered the tears in his eyes when he saw me in my wedding dress and how he'd held onto me so tightly, like I might float away. 


She had cake mix on her cheek but I wasn't going to tell her, she was deep in thought, so I sipped my coffee and watched my wife, my wife, fiddle with her hair and smile at something. 

"Penny for them," I said.

Rosa blushed and, like always, I couldn't fucking believe that she was with me. That she loved me. 

"I was thinking about our wedding day," she replied, moving back around the counter and towards me. I tugged her close, spreading my legs so she fit right where she should be. 

"Best day of my life," I said, kissing her neck softly. 

Rosa shivered and I smiled to myself, loving that I know exactly what to do to make my wife happy. 

"Bet I could make today the best day of your life," she said softly, pulling away so she could look at me. 

God, she's beautiful. 

"How's that?" I asked.

Rosa blushed again, "I've made a double batch of ginger biscuits."

"Oh a batch for Callie so she doesn't steal Sophia's? Smart plan."

Rosa shook her head, "No. I think I'll be needing them."

It took me longer than I'd like to admit for the light bulb to switch on in my brain, "You're going to need them...?"

She nodded. I nodded back at her, slowly. 


"Holy shit! Are you pregnant?" I half-shouted.

Rosa nodded, "About 8 weeks."

I stared at her, mouth ajar. All those years of struggling, all the times I had to fight to keep Lols safe, all the times I knew that I wouldn't be good enough for anyone apart from someone who used their fists to claim debts back for a drug dealer and now, I was going to be a Dad?


I nodded again, pulling her close and kissing her hard, "I'm so fucking happy right now, Rosa. It's all because of you, it's all been because of you."

I held her close and grinned, overjoyed with her, with us, with everything we'd done together. 

As always, Rosa was right.

Best fucking day of my life. 

But I still have forever with Rosa to go, so I know that I've got a lot more of those to come.  

Girl on the Bench [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now