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I left the tearoom and walked back up towards the street. There were more people milling about but I ignored them and made my way straight back to my car.

I got in and let out a large breath that I didn't realise I'd been holding onto. I couldn't believe it, of all the places to go into, I had to go into hers. I smiled in spite of my worries as I pictured Rosa. Whirling around, holding the whisk as a weapon. Her flushed cheeks, her black hair pulled up showing her cheekbones. Those eyes, those sea blue eyes. She was beautiful.

Why had I left my number? I closed my eyes and groaned. I had far too many problems to deal with, some of them revolving around that man she knows and I gave her my number. I groaned again. What an idiot.

My phone rang and I answered.

"Dom! Dom!" I heard a hushed, frightened whisper.

"Who is thi...Lols?"

Lola was crying quietly into the phone, she was mumbling and I couldn't make her out.

"Lols, where are you? Tell me!"

The line went dead and my phone beeped. I checked it quickly and it was a message from Lola with an address. I shifted the car into gear and accelerated quickly.

I needed to get to her. Quick.


I stopped at the address Lola had given me. It was a 1950s style cottage with lace curtains in the windows. The street was quiet and unassuming. I frowned. Why was Lola here?

I walked through the perfectly manicured garden and raised my fist to knock on the door when I noticed it was ajar. I looked over my shoulder quickly but the street still seemed empty. I pushed the door open quickly and went in.

The cottage looked like it belonged to an elderly couple. There was ornaments and pictures crammed onto every available surface and the walls were covered in floral wallpaper. I walked quietly through the hallway, whispering for Lola. I heard a creak upstairs and made my way up the dark mahogany staircase. I slowed my breathing down, trying to hear the creak again when a door flew open behind me and Lola rushed into my arms.

"Dom! Dom!" She repeated frantically.

I pushed her away to make sure she was ok when I noticed she was covered in blood.

"Lola, what happened?"

She looked down confused then touched her hand to her side.

"Oh," she mumbled. She looked back up at me, her green eyes staring as she slid onto the floor.

"Lola!" I knelt beside her and felt for a pulse. I pulled my phone out and started to dial for an ambulance then stopped. If Paul knew I'd done that...I shoved my phone back into my pocket and went into the room Lola had run out of.

There was a large, fat man lying naked on the bed. He was surrounded by gear and alcohol. Lying on the floor was a small sharp knife. I moved closer, feeling the rage burning in my chest. He drunkenly snorted his eyes open and started as he saw me.

"Fucking hell, who are you?" He shouted.

He scrabbled for the knife but I kicked it out of his way. A thick red mist descended on me as I punched him again and again. I felt his nose break and his whimpers of pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he cried out. "The knife isn't mine. It's hers. The tarts. We were just having some fun...I'm sorry."

I felt a cool hand on my neck and lowered my arm, turning around I saw Lola hurriedly shoving her works and money into her bag. She looked at the knife, paused, then put it into her bag. She looked at me, glanced at the man weeping on the bed then turned and walked out of the room.

I stood up and wiped my hands on the sheet. The man lay still, blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

"Stay the fuck away from my sister," I hissed at him then I left.


Lola and I didn't talk the entire journey home. I knew she was needing a fix and I was trying not to lose my temper. Lola sighed and pressed her hand against her side, she tapped her fingers on the window in a quick staccato pattern. I pulled up outside the house and she climbed out the car and walked to the house without a word.

I sighed and leaned my head against the headrest. She was annoyed at me. I'd punched her client. She had probably cut herself by mistake then taken a load of drugs and gotten confused. I'd cost her money by trying to help and, I shuddered, Paul would hear about it.


I stared straight ahead without seeing, I needed to find that man and get the money. It would take the heat off of Lola for a while and give me time..time to do what?

I pulled away and headed back towards the house where I had seen Rosa help him in. Hopefully, she wouldn't be there for this.

Hopefully, he would be.

Girl on the Bench [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now