Too Much

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She was asleep on my bed.

Her dark hair was spread out like a fan across the pillow and she was curled up on her side, her hands pressed together as if in prayer and tucked under her head. She looked lost. I sat on the chair next to the window and watched her. I listened to her slow,steady breathing. Occasionally, she sighed but otherwise she was completely still.

And completely beautiful.

I stood up and walked out my bedroom into the  rest of the flat. I didn't live at the house with Lola. I stayed there in a spare room occasionally but as soon as I had been old enough, I had moved into one of Paul's empty buildings not far from where he had his office. He liked having me close.

It had been an old factory so the exposed brick and large windows made the rooms feel big and airy. Paul had brought someone in to convert it so it had everything I needed and it wasn't obvious that anyone lived here. I had to use an old work elevator to get into the flat.

I walked to the kitchen and poured another coffee. I took a sip and berated myself silently. What had I been thinking?

I had gone to the guys house after I'd seen Rosa and got the payment. He had needed some encouragement to hand over the money but he had managed to do it. I had dropped it off at Paul's office then come back here but I couldn't stop thinking about her.

I had gone out for a drive and found myself across from the house waiting on her. I watched her walk down the path and stop. She had creeped in and I saw a light flicker on. I wasn't sure how she knew this guy, I figured she was his carer or something. She didn't look like she used. I'd rolled down the window to have a smoke when I heard her scream.

The next thing I knew I was watching a man roughly the size of a troll punching her and her attempts to hit him back. I saw red and knocked him out cold. She couldn't keep her eyes open and I couldn't stay there for the police so I'd turned to leave and realised I couldn't  leave her. I had picked her up and brought her here. She had been asleep for the last five hours.

Why hadn't I left her?

How was I going to explain this?

I took a gulp of coffee and looked across at the bedroom door. Rosa was leaning against it, her jumper torn and bloodied. Her lips were cut and she had a dark black bruise around her right eye.




I woke up in a bed I didn't recognise. It smelt clean with a hint of orange. I frowned then grimaced as I touched my face gingerly.

Where was I?

I sat up and looked around me. I was in a huge room with thick dark navy curtains at the windows. Across from the large bed was a couple of ash grey chairs and a wardrobe. I looked at the bedroom table for clues but there was only a small photo frame with a picture of a smiling man and woman. The man looked slightly familiar but...

I heard a soft sigh from outside the room and gingerly swung my legs out of the bed. I tiptoed over and peeked out, it was a large studio space with plush sofas and a coffee table. In the corner, there was a large kitchen area and resting against the worktop holding a mug was Dominic.

I watched him as he took a sip and looked down at the ground. His hair fell forward and he pushed it back absentmindedly. I frowned again, what was going on?

I watched as his eyes drifted over to the door then widen as he saw me.

"Hi," I said.

"Uh,hi," He replied hoarsely. He put the cup on a table and walked over to me. I held onto the doorframe as he stopped about three feet away.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Where am I?"

"You're at my flat." He blushed.

"What am I doing here? What's going on?"

"You were attacked and I brought you here."

" Dad. Where's my Dad?"

I watched his eyes widen in surprise.

"Your Dad?"

"Yeah, where is he?" I spun around to see if I'd missed him somehow but the room was empty.

"I...Uh..he must be at the hospital."

"Right, well that's where I need to be." I took a couple of steps and felt the room spin. He was at my side in seconds holding onto me tightly. His taut arms were wrapped around my lower back and my hands were pressed against his chest. I felt my heart race as I looked up into his dark brown eyes.

"Maybe you should lie down," he suggested.

"I'm going to the hospital. Can you call me a taxi?" I said stubbornly. There was a lot to figure out but first I needed to see my Dad and find out what had happened.

He let go of me and stepped back.

"No, I'll take you."


I dressed quickly and followed Dominic to the elevator and into his car. We didn't speak. There was too much to think about. Why had he been at my house? Who was the man that had attacked me?

We were driving along the motorway when my phone rang.


"Is this Rosa? Rosa Mckay?"

"Yes. Who's this?"

"I'm Detective Inspector Miller, I need to talk to you about your father. Can you come to the station?"

I was confused, "I'm on my way to the hospital to see him."

I heard the inspector inhale sharply.

"Miss McKay, I think you need to come to the station as soon as possible."

"Ok. I'll be there in ten minutes."

I hung up and looked at Dominic. He stared straight ahead, his eyes fixed on the road.

"Uh, could you take me to the police station instead please?"

He nodded and turned off at the next exit.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly.

"What for?" I asked.

Dominic sighed and gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"Too much."

We stopped outside the police station and I got out the car. Dominic didn't. I suddenly felt very alone and sad. I didn't know why but Dominic felt safe to me. I turned and tapped on the window. He wound the window down.

"Are you leaving?" I asked.

He nodded at me, his dark eyes full of sadness then he turned and looked straight ahead.

"Um ok," I straightened up and felt a flash of anger through my stomach. I didn't need him. I could do this on my own.

I turned around and walked into the station.

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