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Things were different with Dominic now, he seemed more at ease and there was nothing better than watching him relax onto the sofa holding a cup of coffee with a smile on his face. He smiled more too which was great to see and left me flustered as hell because Dominic of the sullen, grumpy times was hot but Dominic with a happy smile? Reduced me to a pile of Rosa dust. I had said that I'd wanted to take it slow but those days were long gone, it seemed that Dominic was happy with the pace we were at so I was happy to wait too.

It had been a couple of months since we'd moved into the cottage and Dominic was coming on brilliantly, he barely used his stick now and he would often go out for walks with Lee and Lola when I was at work and tell me about their adventures and how Lee always seemed to fall into deceptively deep puddles. 

Today had been different though, I'd woken up late for work and barrelled out of the door barely managing to shove my feet into the right shoes before kissing him on the lips and calling 'I love you!'as the door swung closed behind me. Work had been busy, there was orders for weddings and birthdays to fulfil as well as running Bella's and doing the paperwork and when the door swung closed at 6, I could have cried with relief. 

I drove home, excited to see Dominic and have a whiskey when I saw a dark green Land Rover parked outside the cottage. I parked up and headed towards the door almost opening it when it swung open and Harry stared down at me.

"Harry!" I squeaked, holding onto the doorframe for support. 

Harry grinned, showing off perfect white teeth before he pulled me into a hug, "Rosa, it's good to see you."

I squeaked again and he laughed, letting me go. I looked around him and saw Dominic watching us. My stomach plummeted in horror.

"What are you doing here?" I choked out.

"I was bringing you some of your things that you left back home. I meant to do it months ago but it's a really busy season and the days got away from me, I hope you don't mind."

I nodded, "No, not at all. Thanks for doing that. D'you...want a coffee?"

Harry gave his head a shake, "Already had one from Dom. I have to make tracks or I'll never get home in time for a full day tomorrow. It was good to see you, Rosa. Take care. See you later, Dom. All the best!"

Harry waved at Dominic who returned the gesture before he walked to the Land Rover, climbed in and left. I walked, dazed and thrown by the surreal situation, into the cottage and closed the door behind me. 

"Well, that was..." I was cut off with Dominic's mouth on mine. He wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned me against the wall. I gasped as his tongue slid into my mouth and the kiss deepened, the room becoming warmer and Dominic pushed up hard against me. He pulled away from my mouth and kissed my jaw line before biting my earlobe gently. I inhaled sharply and he placed his hands on the wall on either side of my head. 

"Do you still want to take it slow?" he asked hoarsely, his eyes flicking from my lips back to my eyes.

"No," I said honestly and Dominic nodded before kissing me again, full of passion and want. I grabbed onto his shoulders tightly and he moaned when my nails dug into his skin. 

He pulled away and bit my lower lip gently.

"Come to bed with me, Rosa," he whispered, reaching down and lacing our fingers together. 

I nodded and followed him into his room.

Just like I'd follow him anywhere.

Girl on the Bench [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now