Top Ten

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I opened the gate and walked up the garden path to the cottage. I'd been at Bella's for most of the day, someone had called in sick and I didn't want to let them down. I had so much paperwork to do that when I'd first seen it, I'd considered just throwing it in the bin and denying that I'd ever received it. 

I felt so guilty, it was Dominic's first full day at home and I hadn't been there for him. What if he'd been sore? What if he'd hurt himself? Dread gnawed at my stomach as I opened the door to the cottage. 

"Dominic? I'm home," I called out, slipping out of my black chucks and walking into the living room. He wasn't there. I frowned as I rounded the corner into the kitchen and my frown deepened when I noticed that everything was just as I'd left it this morning. Was he ok? Where was he? I thought Lee was going to come in today..

"Hi," Dominic's voice emanated through the doors into the garden. I walked out quickly then stopped at the doorway, my hand flying up to my chest. 

There was a small wooden table and chairs underneath the pergola, that was covered in twinkling fairy lights. The table was covered in a white tablecloth and set for two people, two silver cloches twinkled in the light. Music played from speakers in the background and I realised it was the band that had been playing the night we had been at Lots. Dominic was leaning against one of the wooden frames, smiling at me. He was wearing black jeans and t-shirt and he'd combed his hair back from his face. 

I walked over to him, my feet sinking into the grass. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"What is this?" I asked, pulling away slightly and looking up at him.

He blushed, "I missed you and I wanted to surprise you."

Dominic helped me sit into one of the chairs then sat opposite me. He leaned down and lifted a beer out of a cooler next to him. I laughed and accepted it before clinking it against his and taking a sip.

"This is lovely," I told him and he blushed again.

Dominic lifted up the cloches and I felt myself fill with love for this man.

"You made Italian?" I asked.

Dominic nodded, "Yup. Lee helped though. I say helped, he actually caused a whole load of mess with the flour so that's why the kitchen is so clean."

I laughed. 

Dominic nodded, "Go ahead, try it."

I grabbed my fork and picked up a piece of ravioli. Biting into it, I closed my eyes as I remembered my Mum telling me about how food shows people that you love them. This is what Dominic was trying to do. I opened my eyes to see Dominic watching me intently.

"Good?" He asked.

"Amazing," I replied. I tucked in and Dominic did too. I told him about my day and how I'd nearly done the splits in the kitchen with the help of a runaway egg yolk. He'd snorted with laughter and I caught myself, looking at him, thinking how much he meant to me. 

Before long, we were finished and I sank back into my chair.

"That was brilliant. Is this something you're going to do every night?" I teased as Dominic stood up and walked around to me, his stick in one hand.

"Dance with me?" he asked. 

I stood up and held onto his other hand as we walked further onto the grass and turned towards him. He held my waist tightly and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We swayed to the music, barely moving. Dominic bent down and kissed the side of my neck. I shivered. 

"How was this for a first date?" He asked gently, his breath puffing against my ear. 

"I think it's in my top ten at least, " I joked. I burst out laughing as his hand tickled my side.

"I hope you know how much you mean to me, Rosa," Dominic whispered. 

I kissed his cheek, "I hope you know how much you mean to me."

We stopped and smiled at each other until the first drops of rain fell onto our cheeks. 

"Shit, let's head back in," I said, turning to go before Dominic grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.

"Wha.." I began as his lips fell onto mine.

We wrapped ourselves up in the kiss, Dominic holding on tightly to me as I slid my hands into his hair. I don't know how long we were there but when we broke apart, the rain had soaked us through.

"Best first date ever," I told him, my forehead touching his.

Dominic grinned at me and it was like seeing the sun. 

Girl on the Bench [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now