Stay forever

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It was the height of summer. Well, what you could call summer in Scotland. I was in a small town up in the Highlands with white sandy beaches and a pub that had whisky that would have made my Dad cry with joy.

I hadn't really gotten far. I'd made big plans to cover Scotland in a month and then fly out to Brazil, USA or Europe but I found that I felt increasingly calm the further North I went, so I kept going. I'd been over the islands that grouped around the top of Scotland like little sisters but when I got here, the silence and the peace made me weep.

I'd found a small cottage to rent that overlooked the sea and when it was sunny like it is now, I could see for miles. When it was grey and raining, the fog would curl around the cottage so that it felt like it and me were disappearing altogether.

I didn't need to work, I had enough money but one day I had stopped in the town for a coffee when I overheard the cafe owner complaining about  her latest delivery of cakes. I'd offered and soon I was back to doing what I loved. I got up early, baked and iced three or four cakes then I was done by 10 and the rest of the day was mine.

I was sitting outside my cottage, sipping a coffee when my phone rang. I looked at it, surprised. Mobile reception was sporadic here, another bonus, and I only called Sophia once or twice a week from the phone in the cafe.

She was happy, life was moving, as always, extremely quick for her. Work was busy, she was busy and Callie was busy. She didn't ask about Dominic or Chris. She knew I'd tell her if I wanted to.  That's one of the many reasons why she's my best friend.

I checked the caller ID- it was Sophia.

"Soph? You ok?"

The line was crackled but through the rattle and the whirl of the wind, I heard her scream.

"I said YES!"

"What? What?" I moved frantically around the front of the cottage when suddenly the line cleared.

"Callie asked me to marry her!! I said YES!!"

"Wooo!!!" I cheered. "That's brilliant news!!"

"So, we are having an engagement party in two weeks and you are coming. Don't shake your head at me, Mckay! My bridesmaid needs to be there!"

Sophia's enthusiasm was infectious.

"Ok, I'll be there. I should check on the cafe anyway."

"Fab! You can stay here in your room. It's been months and months and I MISS you!"

Sophia rang off and I laughed at the sheer volume of her. I couldn't wait to see her.

The smile died on my lips as I thought of Dominic. His dark eyes and blonde hair. His tanned arms. The way he laughs and flings his head back. That last night and morning had been wonderful. I'd never been with someone who was so gentle and caring then afterwards when he had fallen asleep, I'd left. Not out of cruelty but I didn't want to wake him. He looked so tired that I couldn't bring myself to.

I missed him.

I miss him.

We hadn't called each other or spoken since then. I knew if I did, I'd go back and I wondered if he was angry at me for leaving. I knew so little about him but what I knew made my heart ache.

Arms slid around my stomach, pulled me into a hug and a kiss was dropped onto my head.

"Everything ok?"

I turned and smiled up at the curly dark hair and cheeky smile that belonged to Harry.

"Everything's great. My best friend is getting married so I'll be heading back soon for the party and then the wedding."

I stopped as realisation and horror dawned on me that Sophia was going to be a bride.

Good god.

Harry laughed at my face, " A potential bridezilla?"

I nodded , "The one all the others fear."

Harry kissed me softly, "I've got to go to work. Will I see you later?"

I nodded and watched him walk down the track towards his Land Rover. He cared for the grounds of a local land owner, as his dad and Grandad did before him. We'd met one night at the pub. I'd been introduced as the cake lady, he'd been introduced as the green keeper. We'd got on well.

I frowned, should I ask him to come with me? A small pit of worry fizzed in my stomach. I liked him but he knew I wasn't going to stay here forever. I wasn't was I?

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