Watched by a Shark

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I walked into the kitchen and popped open a beer. Leaning against the kitchen counter, I took a large gulp. The house was quiet. It was strange, the house was normally bustling with activity. People coming and going, music blaring, dogs barking and, in the midst of it all, Paul would be sitting in his armchair like a king watching his servants.

Not tonight, it was deathly quiet. I took another large gulp from the bottle and rubbed my eyes. Paul wasn't going to be happy with me.

I was contemplating what to do when Lola walked in. She had been out, she was teetering slightly and was wearing her red dress that always made her very popular with the guys.

"Dom!" She roared and stumbled towards me. I caught her and pulled her up. The action made me think of the girl from earlier, her stormy sea blue eyes and thick black hair. I shook the image out of my head.

"Ssshhh, you'll wake up the house," I hissed at her. She opened her eyes wide in mock horror and mimed zipping her mouth shut. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Where have you been?" She asked, swiping my beer from me and taking a sip. I ignored the question and leaned back against the counter again.

"Where have you been?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes and sat on one of the chairs,she kicked off her high heels and wiggled her toes.

"Don't ask, little brother and I will tell you no lies," she replied. I scowled. I knew what she had been doing. She knew I knew. What's worse, she knew I couldn't do a damn thing about it. I closed my hands into tight fists.

Lola watched me then ran her hands through her wavy blonde hair. Her arms bore the marks of several well-used injection sites and every time I saw them, my stomach would drop in fear. Lola smiled sweetly at me, her dark eyes twinkling and full of mischief. She stood up, grabbed her bag and made her way to me.

"Hug me, little brother, I have to go fix things up and then sleep." She pulled me into a tight hug and I could smell her perfume, smoke and alcohol.

"Night Lols," I said as she broke away and left the room. She waved her fingers at me then I heard her quickly run up the stairs and into her room. The door closed and I was left in the silence.

I was surprised I had managed to get that level of conversation out of Lola. Usually when she has a bag full of gear ready to be used, I could be bleeding on the floor and she would step over me to get her works. I blinked, she must have had a good night.

The clock on the wall read 0345. I would need to be up soon to go see Paul and to explain to him why I didn't have the money.

The only thing is, how could I make him understand that it was because of a girl?

I woke up and glanced at my phone, 6 missed calls and a message. Shit. I quickly sat up and opened it.

Mate, be here in a half hour. We have things to discuss.

I looked at the time the message was sent and realised I had twenty minutes to get to Paul's office. I pulled myself out of bed, threw on my jeans, dark grey jumper and boots then ran down to my car. Paul didn't like to be kept waiting.

The road to the office was quiet and I tried over and over to think of a way to explain this to Paul that didn't make me seem like a fool to him. The last thing to let him see was weakness and, ever since I'd met him, he'd never once seen it in me.

I drove along the dock road and pulled in to a garage conversion. The smell of sea air hit my nostrils and the cry of the gulls was the only noise to be heard. I walked down an alley, stepping over used needles and opened a door.

Paul's office was very different from the outside of the old garage. It was painted a dark red and furnished with large black pieces of furniture. Opposite the window was a large sofa and, on it, was an even larger man. I nodded at Karl, Paul's bodyguard and sat opposite him in a small black armchair. Paul liked to make an entrance, even after all these years.

I heard a door open and Paul walked in. His stocky, solid presence dominated the whole room. He ran his hand over his shaven head and smiled at me coldly. He sat next to Karl and stared at me through cold,blue eyes. It was like being watched by a shark.

"Mate," Paul drawled. "I expected you back last night. Where's the money?"

I sat up straight, " I couldn't get it, Paul. I couldn't find him."

Paul said nothing but raised an eyebrow.

"Marty told me that he was planning on going to the community centre for a NA meeting so I waited but he didn't show up. I went to Martys, Mike's and his house but there was no sign of him." I took a breath and waited for Paul's response.

Paul leaned back and smiled slightly, "You're going to find him aren't you, Dom?"

I nodded in agreement.

"You know what will happen if you don't find him. It gets added onto Lola's list and, let's be honest, she can't spend much more time on her back without being there 24/7."

Karl snorted with laughter. I felt my blood boiling. I nodded again and stood up.

"I'll find him, Paul."

After I left, my ears ringing with Karl's laughter, I cursed myself inwardly. I've never let anyone stop me from getting the money before. Why hadn't I gone into the house? I knew she had been in there with him. I'd watched her open the door and him staggering in after her. I should have just kicked the door in, got the money and left.

I hit my steering wheel with the heel of my hand. I couldn't let a pretty face stop me from getting what I need. I'd sort it out today.

I drove the car into the centre of the city, first I needed breakfast and coffee. A fuckton of coffee.

I stopped the car outside the small coffee shop I usually went to and noticed ,with dismay, that it was closed. I frowned and looked around. Where would be open on a Tuesday morning this early?

I walked along the street and turned right into a street full of small shops and bars. My stomach growled. There had to be something open. I'd almost reached the end of the street when I saw a light on in a tearoom tucked back from the street in a small alley. I crossed the road and made my way down towards it.

The windows were full of antique teacups and saucers, the walls were packed full of books from the ceiling to the floor. The sign overhead, written in elegant letters, read "Bella's Bakes."

The sign said Closed but the door was open. I shrugged, not sure what to do, then I walked in.


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