Nothing changes

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I sat on the bench opposite the community centre and watched people trickle into the warmth that radiated from the open door. It was bitterly cold, the wind was whistling past me and tugging at my coat collar that I had pulled up to try and act as a barrier.

The sky darkened and, one by one, the street lights flickered on. I stayed on the bench. The wind howled and I felt raindrops land on the my hat and glasses.

He wasn't going to come. He said he would and he wasn't going to come. I stood up and scuffed my boot on the edge of the kerb angrily. I scolded myself for believing him. What did I think was going to change this time?

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out quickly in case it was from him. It wasn't. I rolled my eyes, what a surprise.

Rosa, you're late!

Shit! I shoved my phone back into my pocket and spun on my heels, heading towards my car. I had completely forgotten that I was supposed to be at Sophia's house for dinner and I was late. I checked my watch and sped up, really late.

I crossed over the street towards my car when I lurched sideways and I felt myself looming towards another parked car then I was yanked back to standing by someone pulling my hand.

"Christ! Are you ok?"

I looked down at the hand holding mine, strong and calloused. Following the arm, encased in a blue hoodie, I looked up into a tanned face with thick blonde hair and dark eyes. He was smiling nervously.

"Are you ok?" He asked again.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry,did I walk into you?" I asked, realising I was still holding his hand. I let go and shoved my hand into my pocket.

"I don't think either of us were looking where we were going," he said apologetically.

I nodded and took a step towards my car.

"That's ok," I smiled at him, turned and quickly made my way to the car. I opened the door, climbed in and started the engine. My phone vibrated again and I knew it was from Sophia. I didn't bother to read it. I knew I was late. I shifted into first then pulled out of the parking space.

The guy was standing there under the street lamp watching me as I drove slowly past. He waved at me and I raised my hand awkwardly back in reply.

I indicated left then I sped away.

"So, not only are you late but you meet a cute guy and don't ask him his name?" Sophia said incredulously as she spooned pasta into my bowl. I took a sip of beer and ignored her.

"Rosa? Come on! It's been, wait, nearly a year since Chris and you're still acting like a nun in mourning!" Sophia handed me the bowl and sat opposite me at the table.

Sophia's flat was just like Sophia, elegant and classy.Every room was filled with thick carpets, plush furniture and paintings. The full length windows looked out to the river that ran alongside the city. It was a gorgeous flat. She had soft lighting on and some easy music playing gently in the background. I always felt so relaxed here.

Sophia and I had been friends ever since primary school. Our home lives couldn't be more different, Sophia was born into a wealthy family which meant Sophia didn't have to work if she didn't choose to and mine... well mine was a car crash on top of a bubbling volcano. Sophia was like my sister and, even though we faced the painful years of high school and university together, I still didn't tell her everything. I didn't want her to see me any differently.

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