And I left

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I walked in circles around my room at Soph and Callie's. Soph had eventually gone to the venue, a converted barn, dragging a reluctant Callie behind her. I had my orders- put on the dress she left me and meet her there.

I just couldn't do it. I had messed it up with Dominic and, when I thought back to earlier, my chest hurt. God, his face when he saw me. His smile. How it had all changed just as he left.

I showered and put on some makeup,blasted my hair and pulled it back into a braid. I opened the wardrobe and took out the dress Soph had picked. It was a dark silver skater dress and, I had to admit, for all her organising Soph hadn't done a bad job, it looked lovely and I put on a pair of black peeptoe shoes. Nope. These things were instruments of torture. I rooted around and found a pair of black wedged ankle boots.

Perfect and definitely more me.

I stared at my phone. Willing it to ring.

It didn't.

I took another gulp, picked up and dialled.

I was just going to hang up when he answered.


"Uh.hi," I said, feeling as though I had a mouthful of cotton wool balls.

I swallowed, "Dominic, I'm sorry about what I said before. I didn't mean it to sound like it did. It's just a lot has happened. I thought I'd be ok coming back here but I'm not."

There was silence.

I continued, "I'm going to go back tomorrow. If you want, I could see you later? Soph's party is at Holly Steading so I could grab a taxi."

Dominic took a deep breath, "I don't think so, Rosa. I think we need to just say this is done, whatever this is. I accept your apology. Please, go and have fun."

I felt like I'd been slapped.

"Sure. I will. I guess I'll see you."

"Yeah,have a safe journey tomorrow."

Dominic ended the call and I felt tears prickle my eyelids. It was nothing less than what I expected but it still hurt.

My phone buzzed- Callie

"Please tell me you're on your way, Soph is getting extremely squeaky about a canapé? Christ, I don't even know what they are! I wanted pizza!"

I laughed, "Just leaving- I'll be there in ten minutes."

I heard the taxi beep and I grabbed my coat and bag then hurried downstairs. Sounded like Callie needed some help.

Holly Steading used to belong to an old family in the city who had sold it along with other parts of their property in the 60's. Soph's parents had bought it and converted it into a wedding and party venue. It was beautiful. Fairy lights wrapped around all the exposed beams and floral displays were scattered everywhere. A band were warming up in the corner and the tables were lit with candles and stars. It was effortlessly beautiful.

Soph and Callie were surrounded by people when I got there. I hugged her parents and checked my bag and coat onto the cloakroom. I sorted out the canapé issue, which turned out to be a non issue, then helped myself to a glass of champagne.

Soph waved at me and I waved back. Callie mouthed "thank you!" to me and I raised my glass in a toast to her.

"Nice place they have here."

I turned, "Harry?"

Harry was dressed in a dark grey suit with blue tie. He grinned at me.


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