She cares about me

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"What are you doing here?" I said, sharply. I stood up and folded my arms in front of me. I didn't want to look weak in front of him. He didn't deserve that.

Chris raised an eyebrow at me, "I thought since you seemed to have lost the ability to answer your phone or reply to text messages that I'd come and make sure you were ok."

"Well I'm fine. Sorry I haven't been in touch, I've been busy," I replied. Also, I wish you would turn into a rat and run down the drain.

Chris stepped forward, arms outstretched, "Rosa, can't we forget what happened? We were friends before. I just want to be here for you."

"No," I stated. I turned around, opened the door and walked in.

I heard him rush to prevent the door from shutting and I spun round and tried to push it close. It was a losing battle and Chris pushed it open with barely a strain to his muscles. God, I hate him.

"Please leave."


"Please, I don't have the energy to deal with you just now, Chris."

I turned away as I felt my eyes fill with tears. I didn't know what was happening to me but I felt rudderless, I didn't have a purpose anymore. The first tear fell and was quickly followed by more.

Chris scooped me up in his arms and hugged me tightly. This made me think of Dominic and how he'd held me the night my Dad had died and I felt myself sobbing into Chris' chest. I couldn't believe I had started to care about another person who used drugs. What was wrong with me? Am I defective?

I hadn't realised I'd asked the question aloud but Chris mumbled, "Far from it, Rosa Bella."

He gently kissed the top of my head and I pulled away, eyeing him suspiciously. He watched me closely, his bright green eyes fixed on me. He pulled me back to him, tilted my chin and kissed me. I moved my head away and brought my hands up to his chest to push him away when...

"Sorry, the door was open," Dominic's throaty voice muttered from behind me.

My eyes flew open and I turned to see Dominic standing in the doorway. He looked better fully clothed, aside from his husky voice and bruising to his face, he looked relatively ok. My stomach jumped at the sight of him.

"Dominic!" I wriggled out of Chris' grip and walked over to him. I touched his arm, clad in a black leather jacket.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

Dominic's eyes seemed almost black as he looked back at me. I felt myself shiver slightly. Was I scared of him?

"I'm fine. Just wanted to say thank you for earlier. You weren't answering your phone so I thought I'd come by." He moved his arm away from me and my hand dropped to my side.

"See, I told you Rosa! You need to start replying or soon you're going to have a queue of people outside your house!" I felt Chris drop his arm around my shoulder.

"Hi, nice to meet you mate, I'm Chris," he offered his hand out to Dominic.

Dominic looked at it as if it was a foreign object then reached out and shook it quickly.

"Hi," He said to Chris, then he turned to me and nodded, as if he was understanding something.

"See you around," Dominic said, his voice full of ice. He turned then left.

"Wow, he was delightful!" Chris chuckled. "Hey..where are you going?"

I wriggled away from his grip again and sped after Dominic. I saw him quickly get into the car and turn the key. I skidded up the path and tapped on his window. He looked at me through the glass, then wound the window down.

"What?" He said, in the same hard flat tone.

"Dominic.." I trailed off and felt the anger build up in my chest. Why was I chasing after him? He was using drugs and turning up at my cafe and expecting me to look after him? I barely knew him and his sister, who wanted to kill me! What gave him the right to be so bloody cold to me?

I looked heavenward and took a deep breath in and out. I looked back at him and, instead of seeing the same dark eyes and angry expression, I saw sadness. Dominic looked as if he'd been told he'd won the lottery then told it was all a joke. I knew what I was going to say, I knew I should just walk away but...

"Will I see you later?"

Dominic started to nod then stopped.


He buzzed the window back up, started the engine and drove away.



That was Chris? That smarmy looking git? I sped along the road and swore loudly. I turned up the music, trying to drown out my thoughts but all I could see was him kissing Rosa. This shouldn't bother me. It didn't. I pushed it out my thoughts and turned into a residential street. Tucked away at the end of the street was a house owned by a local businessman. To the public, he was a pillar of society. To Paul, he was another person who needed to pay up his debt. I stopped the car and felt my phone vibrate. It was Rosa.

Chris' lips pushed down on hers, holding onto her tightly.

I cancelled the call, got out and walked up to the door. I rang the bell and waited. My phone buzzed again, it was a message.

I don't know who you think you are, Dominic Logan but if someone cares about you and asks to see you again, you DON'T drive away from them like a broody teenager. Get back in touch when you've grown up.

My jaw fell open and I laughed loudly. She was pissed at me?!

I heard footsteps coming toward the door and put my phone away. As it opened, I smiled.

She cares about me.

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