𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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At this point, Luke knew Y/N and him had to get a new spot to spend time together because he felt like Granny was going to attack him out of nowhere one day. Maybe his room? No, his mom would find too many excuses to come in. The cliff he showed her that one day she cried? No, too many bugs and it gets too cold. A bug might crawl up his butt too.

The chances of that are low but never impossible.

It was 6:30 on a Friday morning, the sun barely peeking out from behind the clouds. He wanted to get as much practice in for their performance next week. It was nothing special, it was just in front of the garage. But he believed that every performance was important no matter the setting.

With an extra bounce in a step, he couldn't help the smile that came onto his face as he recollected the memory of Y/N desperately trying to tell her grandma that they did nothing , while Luke stuffed tacos into mouth, but kiss. Of course Luke didn't help at all, shrugging and smirking whenever her Granny suggested something spicy, because honestly.... Y/N looked so cute when she was frustrated.

Walking into the garage, he expected his bandmates to welcome him in a smile but he was completely thrown off by the atmosphere.

Their arms crossed, each with a concerned look in their eyes.

He set his backpack and guitar on the couch with them following his every move. They continued even until he picked up his guitar and stood in his front position. " Okay, what's up with you guys?"

"Where were you last night?" Reggie crossed his arms and tapped his toes, making him look like a frustrated parent.

"Yeah, I asked you to talk the other day in class but you went straight home after school. Strange." Alex hmphed.

"I was actually at Y/N's house."

"Oh." Reggie tilted his head, his argument dissipating at the different answers than he thought he would receive came about. He looked towards Alex to continue," So you know how Reggie told you that Y/N has feelings for you?"

"Fully aware."

"Well, I think that you should do something before Ollie gets her back. She went on a date with him the other day and came back with a hickey."

Bobby cut in, "Yeah and I know that I haven't been the most nice about her but I do know that she will make you happy and she treats all of us like we're not gum on the bottom of their shows."

Luke covered his mouth to hold in his laugh at how frantic they sounded. Alex stomped in frustrated that his shorter friend was not taking this situation at hand seriously. He wasn't dumb to not see that Y/N was his first love. He put the puzzle pieces together with the help of Reggie, of course, and he wanted his two friends to be happy. Luke may be making a joke out of this right now but he knows that Luke will be heartbroken when he loses his chance. Luke threw his guitar to the back and was ready to reveal the full on truth to his three best friends.

Behind Luke's back, Bobby put a thumbs up to the two others telling him that he got this with his perfect Plan B.

Luke began to speak but Bobby cut off, " Your chances are running low because I saw them the other day. You should've seen how close Y/N was letting him get to him. I could've sworn I saw her hands going somewhere that.. oh my.. this is not kid friendly. Something about seeing her tomorrow morning... when Luke isn't around to interrupt them. Heard that Y/N... was going to wear her favorite set." He whispered the last part, shivering to make his acting convincing.

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