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This was a never-ending trail that Luke was taking me down and honestly, I felt like I was going to get murdered. Granny made me watch Friday the 13th last week with her and the setting was exactly like where we are now. Plus I don't think my phone had any signal out here either. Hope and pray that Luke is the same innocent boy as he was back then.

I watched Luke as he played with a long stick that he found along our walk, casually hitting trees and weeds as we passed by them. Amy and Alex weren't wrong, Luke has grown over the past few year. And he knows it too as I swear everytime I see him out of school, he wears only sleeveless shirts. And if he were to own an actual t-shirt, the sleeves would be cut off. "I know it's there but stop looking at my butt." He smirked, poking my side with the stick.

I snapped out of his trance, scowling," I'm not checking you out, I'm just keeping a look on your every move so I can make sure that you won't murder me."

" You already have enough problems in your life, I can't add anymore. Plus Granny would be bored without you and we can't let that happen."

This explains why Luke was her favorite. If anyone cared about Granny more than me, it was Luke.

The rest of the walk was a silence but a good one. The only sound heard between us was the birds chirping and the hot wind rustling the leaves. " Here we are."

" You made me walk two miles for this?". There was two logs placed around a burnt out old campfire. If you look out more, you could see that we were off a cliff getting perfect view of Los Feliz. Thank goodness, there was a safety bar there or else I would be freaking out right now. "It was hardly half a mile, you just need to work out more.". Luke skipped over to one of the logs and sat down. "I do not run around the school for cheer everyday for you to say something like that."

"Quit your yapping and come sit over here." He tapped the other log with his foot. I tucked my hands into the hoodie before placing myself across from him. The atmosphere here was really nice especially since it was away from everything. We sat in awkwardness before Luke randomly let out of scream. I looked at him weird before he motioned me to let out one too.

I hesitated before letting out a small one, " Cmon, I know you can do way better than that."

"Why are we even doing this?"

"Well, I don't want you to cry on me. I don't do well with crying. So just let out your emotions through this. " He let out another loud scream which made me cover my ears. Just to get this over with, I let out a scream that I put my chest into. Luke clapped, " Not good enough but it was cute so I'll take it."

I played with my shoelaces before I spoke up, " You were right. I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I'm also sorry about your milkshake.". Luke laughed as he leaned back against his hands," It's fine, understandable. And the milkshake was yours anyways so it's your loss."

Wow, if I had known it was for me, I wouldn't have thrown it. A free milkshake can never be passed up. " And plus you said some good points a few days ago.", He tapped the toe of his shoe on my heel as I nodded in acknowledgement before silence overtook us again. I really didn't know what to talk about with Luke if it wasn't us bantaring.

" Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

" There's no way you could've just had that reaction just because he was seeing someone else."

" Luke, he was cheating on me. I would have that reaction."

"But I know you think before you do. I know you, Y/N. What did he do?"

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