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I have never felt so dirty in my life. We have never been this affectionate in public before.  

My grandma would be ashamed if she knew what I was doing right now. She didn't pay for my school just to see that her one and only granddaughter was being touched in an unholy way underneath the school bleachers. 

I tried my best to hold in my moan as Ollie kissed me above my collarbone. My heart started to beat faster when I felt his hand go underneath my uniform skirt, " W-Wait, Ollie. That's enough.". He continued to go on like he didn't hear me. Did he hear me? " Ollie, stop." I tried to push him off but he only continued to go further up and up. " I said stop." I used all my strength to finally get him off of me, him stumbling back against one of the pillars. 

I picked up my jacket that had fallen to the ground, " I'm sorry, it was just getting too much." 

" But I told you to stop, why didn't you stop?"  I started to pull back the arms of our uniform. Ollie only let out a laugh before slowly approaching me and pulling me into a hug, " I just didn't hear. I'm sorry, love." He placed a gentle kiss on the temple of my forehead. But this wasn't the first time that he didn't hear me. But as always, I let it go not wanting to upset him like he would get every time. " O-Okay, just don't let it happen again."  

" When are you going to let us go farther than just... what we're doing?" 

"Ollie, I'm just not ready yet." 

Just as Ollie adjusted the buttons of his top, the bell rang signaling first period. He was clearly upset by my response but it's been a month or so since we've started this whole thing.  "I'll see you later, okay?" He laid one last kiss on my forehead before leaving. I really don't understand why we have to keep our relationship a secret. It's not like social status meant anything. And even if it did, I was a cheerleader while he was a football player. With a sigh, I hopped off the electricity box and grabbed my backpack.  Just as I made my way out from under the bleachers, I was body slammed to the floor. The person's bike flew across the walkway, causing some students to jump back.

"Watch where you're going." I examined my scraped up knee before looking at who my attacker was. Between dry laughs, he brushed the dirt off his butt as he got up, " Then don't get into people's way.". Luke Patterson. He lived down the street from me. The Oliver twins and the two of us used to be really good friends when we were younger but Luke drifted off from us to hang out with another crowd but my grandma still held the softest soft spot for him, I don't know why. 

" Luke, you're the one who ran into me." 

" And you're the one who came out of nowhere." 

" Why can't you just sorry and leave it at that?" 

"Because you came off with all this attitude first." 

I squinted at him with my hands on my hips and he squinted right back at me. His eyes trailed down to my lips, his finger coming up to my upper lip  " Your lipgloss is smudged." I frantically brought my hand up to wipe around my lips. " If you and Mr.Quarterback want to sneak around in a public area, don't make it so obvious, buddy."

As I took out my mirror to look at my reflection, Luke tried his best to hold in his laugh. " What are you laughing at, Patterson?" 

" I always knew that you would end up with at least one of us. Always knew you had a thing for me or Oliver, if it wasn't going to be for Amy. How's Amy by the way?" 

"I'd never have a thing for you. And you don't need to know how she's doing."  

Luke shook his head at my response," No need to get your panties in a twist. I'm only kidding."  He turned to look over to see three of his four goons who were in his little band, Sunset Curve. I haven't heard much of their music but they played at some of the school dance, they weren't all that bad. I don't know if they were planning to be serious about it though. 

" Sorry, Y/N." I recognized as Reggie's voice," Bobby and Luke wouldn't stop teasing me about how the new girl just completely ignored me so I-" 

"That doesn't matter, did I just see you walk out from under the bleachers from where David Oliver just came out?" Bobby wiggled his eyebrows, " That's pretty naughty of you, Y/N." 

Just as I was about to call all of them for not following the school's dress code with all the alterations they put on it, I heard a shriek of my name. I looked up to see Amy, skipping over to me and bringing me into a hug. She took notice of the three boys in front of me, a blush appearing on her cheeks, " Oh hey." 

Shaking my hand, I grabbed her hand to pull her away from them, " Was that Luke? He got hotter, didn't he?" 

" Yeah, and ruder." I tsked, pulling her into our first period class. Just as I sat down with Amy in our usual spot, I recognized the tall, blonde nervous wreck in front of me. " Alex? Why weren't you walking in late  with the rest of your-". He shushed me as a boy with glasses walked in, his eyes following the said person. " Oh, new crush?" 

" Yeah, I need to build up a good reputation. A little bird who we call Reggie told me that he doesn't like people that slack off." 

" So you admit that you all are slackers?" 

" What-" 

"I stand witness to that." Amy pulled out a pencil, handing me one as well. "I came here to have some fun and honestly I feel attacked." 

The bell rang again. All the students getting into their spots for the start of the lesson. The usual three spots were empty, Ms.Parkinson taking notice of the unusually early boy," Alex, where's the rest of your gang?". Alex hummed, the string of his hoodie in his mouth, " Oh, they should be coming in right about now." He pointed at the door, it suddenly opening to show the rest of the musketeers. The three struggled to all fit in through the door, letting Reggie enter in first. 

" Sorry, Ms. " Bobby slipped a candy bar onto her desk as a way to say sorry even though they've done this more times than there are days in the school year. 

"Nothing I'm not used to. Take a seat, boys, so we can get started." 

Luke took a seat besides Alex, not without giving Amy and I a wink. I flicked him off when he turned around which earned a warning look from Ms.Parkinson. 

" How are you a cheerleader but scared of heights?" 

" That's exactly why I'm a backspot." I passed my water over to Amy who took a long sip from it. "Samantha really wants you up in the air for the next game." 

" I don't understand why Andrea thought it was a good idea to mattress surf down her stairs in the middle of the season." Another girl cut into the conversation, a group of girls agreeing with her like they were the birds from the Little Mermaid. " She has 12 other girls on this team, I don't know why I have to do it.". Just the group was about to go into formation, the sound of booming laughter came out of the locker room, the football players coming out for practice as well. 

I made eye contact with Ollie, putting my hand up to wave to him but all I felt was breeze as he walked past me. " Gosh, he's such a bitch. He went from following us everyday to acting like he doesn't know us just so he could get "all the girls" without having his "two little sisters" to turn them off. " Amy crossed her arms," I guess it's working because there was a girl in his room the other day. They were so noisy that I had to put some headphones in just so I can get some energy for today." 

A girl? Well, it wasn't me because I was baking cookies with my grandma last night. As I stood behind my stunt group, I turned to look over at Ollie who was tossing back and forth a football with another player.

Was he cheating on me? 

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن