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" You know what Amy said wasn't true?" 

The boys and I laid on the floor in front of the garage, several blankets laid out to protect us from the cold ground. 

"Of course I know. She hasn't uttered more than one word to you except about how hot you are to your face. That's not really reliable." 

Luke laughed, leaning his head onto my tummy, " I am pretty hot." 

There was one more day left of Thanksgiving break before we had to go back. I already knew I was going to be stressed from all the things the world was going to give to me from applying to college to trying to compete with other students to get the internship. But something told me that it wasn't going to be that bad with all the good energy received from the boys. Minus the fact that I feel Bobby will pop up and stab me in the back. Physically.

"Look at that star, it looks like a dick." Bobby pointed at the sky. Nevermind, he could never harm me like that... I hope. 

"Stop staring at Bobby or I'll get jealous." A muffled voice that vibrated the skin of my stomach which tickled. I hadn't even known he was laying face down on my stomach now. "You literally were trying to hook me up with Reggie a week ago." I whispered, " And you really think I find that attractive?". I side glanced to see Bobby turning away from the group and picking his nose which made me cringe. "I'm just wondering when he will attack." 

"As long as I'm here, you are protected." Light kisses began to cover the small area that my shirt drifted off. I let out a sigh at how nice it felt but then I remembered who was down there. Freaking Luke.

I pushed him off, his head hitting Alex's leg thankfully for cushioning. He let it go and found home by laying on Alex's leg instead. "Aw, I knew you missed this." Alex rubbed Luke's hair, Luke making himself more comfortable. This boy was like a golden retriever. And golden retrievers were cute. I knew that Luke's flirting was all jokes and his charm was an amazing part of his personality but sometimes I couldn't help but let it affect me. Things like that were too far. I cannot catch feelings after everything and I can't risk losing another friend because of my feelings. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. But better safe than sorry. Sitting up, I grabbed the bag of chips and began to stress eat. 

"My chips!" Reggie tried to reach out for them but I held them out of his grip. Him jumping me for his chips.  

"Aw." Luke sat up and winked at the both of us. 

"Fuck off, Luke!" Reggie and I synced, still battling over the bag of chips. I stood up and ran around the small area, jumping over the chairs that were randomly placed out. Maybe this adrenaline will get rid of the butterflies that I feel in my tummy right now. 

A tight grip was on the handle of my backpack, preventing me from walking any faster than I would like, " Alex, you can let go now." 

"No because if I let you go off on your own, I fear that you will get into trouble again." 

" I won't." I grumpily mumbled and tried to walk faster but he only pulled me back. "Luke said I can get practice off today and hang out with Ethan if I watch over you until he gets here." 

"I think Luke is pulling your strings. I heard him say that there was no practice at all today." 

Alex seem conflicted so I knew this was a perfect time to execute my plan. I  gave him a tight lip smile. "Don't do it, Y/N." Like it was my cue, I sprinted off, laughing as I heard Alex's loud groan of frustration. Rounding the corner, I slowed down but was met face to face with Ollie. I spared us the awkwardness and turned around to walk back to Alex, " Hey, can we talk?" 

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