𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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Braiding my hair into two, I put several butterfly clips into my hair. The dress code was getting less strict as the months went by and plus if I were to get suspended for breaking it, how long would they if there's only a few months left of senior year?

"You look... really nice."

Luke stood in the doorway of my bed room with his hands tucked nervously into the jeans of his pocket. Glaring, I grabbed my backpack and slipped it on. Ignoring him, I brushed past him to go down the stairs.

"Hey, Y/N. I really wanted to thank you for letting me stay the night." His footsteps went in sync with mine as we both entered the kitchen. He leaned up against the counter onto his hand, pushing himself forward so he could be in my view as I toasted two pieces of bread. Shit, is that my heart melting from how cute he looked?

Snap out of it, Y/N. I titled my body away from him and grabbed the butter from the fridge to spread on the toast.

" Can I have one?"

I shoved both pieces of bread into my mouth before making a beeline to the door to slip my shoes on.

"You're not getting your car keys?"Luke peeked out the curtain window," Is that Mike Bowen? Since when were you two friends?". He was just about ready to walk out of the door with me before I quickly shoved him back and pulled the bread of my mouth.

"Are you trying to get caught and reported to missing persons?" I scoffed," Stop being an annoying nuisance. Why are you still here anyways? Granny is at work already and I for sure don't even want you here. So get the fuck out of this house, Luke, but you're not welcomed."

I almost felt guilty by the hurt look in his eyes but he hurt me 10 times worse with the things he said before our relationship ended. Before I said anything more harshier, I walked out of the house and slammed the door behind me.

Walking up to Mike's subaru, I slipped into the backseat with Rue already in the car in the passenger seat.. "Hey, is your Granny home? I saw you talking to somebody and I could give her a ride to work if you want."

Rue turned," Yeah and she could give us free breakfast too."

"Uh... she's doing some phone calls. And plus she's working late today so she'll need to take her car today. It's fine."

In the corner of my eye, I saw Luke still peaking out the window again and I was this close to finding out how to shoot laser eyes at him. Luckily Mike started to drive away before the either of them could notice the guitarist that was trying to get a peek of who else was in the car.


"I found out where your lost puppy is."

Bobby jumped up from his seat and grabbed me by shoulders," Is he okay? Is he sick?"

"He's fine." I threw my backpack into the empty space besides me,"He's stayed at my house last night."

"That's like the last place that I expected to go to." Alex ran a hand through his hair, his attention slowly going to Ethan on the other side of the room. Like Luke and I, his relationship with Ethan ended once they left the camp grounds.

"Well he did go to the streets first." I told them, remembering the events that occured last night.

"Oh shit, it's really cold at night nowadays." Reggie sighed," But hey, don't so surprised. Granny always welcomed us, especially Luke. She even told us that we ever needed a safe haven, her house was the place to go.". Alex and Bobby hummed in agreement but Reggie went on, "Plus Y/N is there and he's been talking non-".

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