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Granny was ready to smack me when she saw me walk back in the house when she was walking out for her shift. But taking in my state, she decided to back off from her lecture and close the bakery for today. I insisted that she didn't need to but she didn't want to leave me alone when I was unstable like this.

"If you don't tell what's wrong, then I can't help you."

I leaned my forehead against his shoulder so she could wrap her arms around me, her warmth making me comfortable.

" What happened today?"

"Granny, if I told you, you'd leave me."

I hid myself more into the my pillows, hoping to disappear while I'm at it. " Don't be silly." She slapped my butt, making me yelp. " It better be a good excuse on why you missed a whole day of education."

"I'm not even learning anything, all I'm learning about is the stupid drama that hormonal kids like to have and I'd like to drop out."

She smacked me again but this time with a feeling, "Now this is where I kick you out.". I pouted at that, her hands coming up to cup my cheeks," I'm only kidding. Who else would I boss around if you're not here?"

"Granny, can I just stay home and do what you do all day?"

"And what is that?"

"Eat, sleep, and bake."

Granny pinched the skin on my arm and I fell onto her lap in pain. That was when I finally confided her on what happened, starting all the way from Ollie. I originally thought she was going to comfort me but all she did was pinch my ear," Did you get to hear what Luke said to the boy?"

I shook my head and she pinched harder," Did he say anything at all?" I waited a second before shaking my head.

" I raised you better than this, Y/N."

"Granny, everyone has been hurting me left and right. Please understand me when I start to think the worst about people's intention nowadays."

"But it's Luke."

"And this was Ollie and Amy."

She closed her eyes and laid onto my bed, running a hand through her brown hair that was full of grey streaks. " Did you use protection?"

"Of course I did. Thank goodness I did, who knows how people he's been in?" I almost threw up at the thought but Granny didn't find any humor. " You do know that you're not getting out of this without being punished, right? But it will get better, Y/N. I promise you. I went to high school as well and that was in the 1950s. You have so many opportunities around and don't let them run from you because you're from them because you're trying your best not to be seen by all these teenagers."

As much as I wanted to hide forever, Granny was right. I closed my eyes and acted like I was asleep to get out of this conversation. Granny kept on lecturing me but soon I was met with silence. My head was off her lap and the close of a door was heard next before I fell into a deep sleep.


An arm wrapped around my waist and I cuddled into whose ever chest it was.

Hold on.

This wasn't a dream.

Luke laid next to me with his eyes closed but the small quirk of his lip gave it away that he was actually awake. " Give one good reason why I shouldn't scream right now." I reached over to grab my water to throw at him but he grabbed at my wrist before I could," You really need to stop throwing food on people's heads."

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now