𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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When I had offered Luke to drive because he still seemed really upset from this morning to the point that I thought driving it off would relieve it, I didn't think he'd say yes but here we were.

My hand tightly gripped on the car handle on the roof of the car. 

If only I had a device that could make me turn back time because why did I let Luke drive my car this morning if he was this reckless.

 "Cmon, Y/N, live in the moment!" He screamed out the window and he zoomed past cars.

"I'm okay." My eyes tightly shut as  I leaned back against the seat with my other hand rested on the dashboard. 

"Just open your eyes and you'll be having the time of your life. Don't be a wuss like Alex was." 



To the most familiar place we both know.

The place where we forgive each other the last time we had a fight this big.

With my car parked near the ledge of the cliff near the logs, my trunk was popped open making a makeshift seating area for the both of us. Faith, also known as my clumsy self forgot to bring another blanket so we were huddled underneath one blanket as we stared out at the cotton candy colored blue sky. It was barely hitting 5:00 when we finally settled down.

Luke had stepped out of the car and was kicking rocks off the cliff, watching them to see where'd they go but the dip was so deep, he couldn't. It was his grumbles that were the only thing that filled the quiet air besides me fiddling with a candy wrapper that was laying around. He returned back to the car when I finally took my turn in this very tense game of jenga.

Where do I even begin?

Does Luke want to talk first?

How do we start this conversation and end it in forgiveness rather than making it worse?

We couldn't keep playing the same game and game over until some said something. Luke leaned against the edge before grabbing a piece towards the end, causing the tower to tilt and fall along the floor. "Stupid." He mumbled before going back to kicking at the small rocks beneath his feet. But his body moved so quickly like the flash that I didn't see him setting up the tower again," I can't lose two times, this has to be rigged." 

"How in the hell is a game of Jenga rigged?" 

Luke ignored my question and continued to set the blocks into threes whilst I put them up. Maybe right now is a good time, especially since we were getting along. OR more like I was finally being civil with him. 

"About you leaving-"

"Don't worry, Y/N. I'll be out of your life by tonight. Granny said she's getting Chinese tonight and I can't pass up on that before the boys and I have to return to just eating street dogs and Bobby's gross cooking."

"You don't have to leave." Luke looked up as I raised my voice, his eyebrows raised. "You can a

He had already to returned to the spot besides me in the car, slipping underneath the blanket again with me, "Listen, Y/N, it's okay. The boys wanted to practice more anyways so you don't have to feel sorry for me."

"No, that's not it, Luke." I bit down on my tongue before looking at a cloud that was shaped like a penis.

He scoffed, crossing his arms," Hard to believe when you were telling me to leave you alone only 12 hours ago."

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن