𝒔𝒊𝒙 . 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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" Why would you make me watch that? "

Friday the 13th was one thing but Scream? That means that one closest to you could murder you. Reggie scrunched up his face and mocked me in his best voice," Who said " I'm more manly than any of you, I can handle it."". I grabbed a pillow and whacked him with the back of his head.

" So we're actually going to do it? Perform at the House of Blues tomorrow night." Alex stood up and straightened out his pajama pants.

" Yeah, I mean, school won't miss us for one day. I mean my parents already yell at me anyways so I can handle another lecture." Reggie popped another popcorn into his mouth,"How bout you, goody two shoes?"

"You three were literally scared that your parents were going to find out you're in San Diego."

Luke put a finger to my lips to hush me before I opened my mouth to bit on his finger but he pulled it away, remembering the last time his finger was in the grasp of my mouth, "Granny is going to get mad at me and I know that there will be endless phone calls from her and Amy. But I mean, this could get you guys some attention."

I looked at all their puppy eyes and rolled my eyes," Yeah, whatever. We can stay for one more day."

The boys jumped with glee upstairs to their rooms, claiming that they needed to get much needed rest for their set tomorrow. I got comfortable in my spot but once I closed my eyes, ghostface appeared in me. I jumped up, my heart racing. I looked around and saw the window that wasn't covered by anything. What if someone was just staring at me while I was sleeping? I looked up at the two rooms before grabbing my blanket and wrapping it around me. As I walked up the stairs, I kept looking behind me to see if anyone was to jump up. I first looked into Alex and Reggie's room to see if they had any room but I was welcomed by the sight of Alex sleeping diagonally with his leg atop of Reggie's torso. Closing the door behind me, I looked towards Luke's open door and walked in. There was still plenty of room next him, his hand was tucked his head as light snores filled the room.

"Luke." I whispered. Jeez, I sounded like a kid who threw up and needed to tell her parents that she did. He didn't budge and I shook him with my hand, " Luke." I whispered again. He didn't even twitch. I turned on the light and placed my knee onto the bed before I slapped him on the face hard and he quickly jumped up. " What the fuck, Y/N?" His eyes full of sleep as he rubbed them.

I sat down on the edge, making myself smaller with the blanket, " I'm scared."

" And?" He yawned as he laid back down.

"C-Can I sleep with you?"

"Wow, that's really moving fast. I mean I usually go on a date fi-"

" Luke, stop. " I whined as I threw myself on the spot next to him. " I just need to be sure that if I get murdered that I have a witness."

" You know those stories aren't true right?"

" Yeah but you'd find the people close to you are the ones that backstab you."

Luke made a sizzling noise with his mouth. Leaning my head onto my arm to face, I saw that he was already in that pose. " But you know I'll never be one of those people right?" He said with such sincerity in his voice and eyes. And that was when I knew he had no ill intentions towards me like Ollie insisted. We held our stare for a minute but I coughed, " It's been a while since we shared a bed, hasn't it?"

Luke sat up quickly, making me look at him strange. All movements were so sudden when I found Luke on top of me, his arms on either side of my forehead. He was dressed in a simple band tank top but it didn't help that his arms were flexing in front of me. There was that racing heartbeat that I felt when we were in the photo booth. But I will not mistake it for fondness because any body in this position would be flustered. " Last time we did, we were only 12 years old. But now we're 17 and so full of hormones. Maybe we can make this rated G thing to a rated R-"

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now